Transgender people cannot change their gender, according to a decision of the Bulgarian Supreme Court of Cassation.
With 28 votes against and 21 dissenting opinions, the civil panel of the court ruled that legally gender cannot be changed.
The established legal order on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria understands the concept of "gender" only in its biological sense (sex) and does not allow the court to allow a change in the compiled acts of civil status regarding the gender of a transsexual person.
Article 149, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria obliges to accept that the biological explanation of the concept of gender – sex, is the only one included in it. The Constitution and all Bulgarian legislation are built on the understanding of the binary existence of the human species, gender (sex) is determined at birth and is lost at death.
Comments (1)
чтобы не было такого, что "сменивший гендер" кажется в тюрьме в Штатах (не помню) , изнасиловал реальную девушку... кажется, вплоть до беременности.