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Corruption as a worrying problem

Corruption in Spain & Portugal

Portuguese and Spaniards believe two out of every three politicians are corrupt, and around 50% of their country’s business people, according to a recent joint study.

The report, ‘Comparative perceptions of corruption in Spain and Portugal’, shows citizens are under no illusions. They equally believe 40% of civil servants are ‘on the take’.

According to the report, 80% of those surveyed in Portugal – and 70% in Spain – consider corruption to be something that is part of their country’s business culture and not something circumstantial (this compares to 60% of Europeans).

In terms of what kind of corrupt practices concern people the most, it is not the payment of bribes, but the interaction between politics and business.

One of the biggest differences between the two countries is clientelism (cronysim). While in Portugal the percentage of respondents who believe political cronyism is “necessary” (meaning, the only way to do business) is 70%, in Spain this percentage drops to 49%, close to the European average of 50%.


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Comments (2)

Latest “political earthquake” in Spain involves companies in Portugal

Spanish authorities believe that “a business entanglement in Portugal was used to embezzle and launder money from public contracts between the government of Pedro Sánchez and the president of Zamora Football Club, Víctor Aldama”.



Что, интересно, они подразумевают под коррупцией среди бизнесменов?

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