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Канада: Опрос общественного мнения

Both anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim views are problems

Canadian Muslims say anti-Semitism either is a minor problem (17%) or not really a problem at all in Canada (32%).

As has been the case in countries around the world, the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas is driving domestic tensions in Canada. Since Oct. 7, reports of anti-Semitism have risen starkly in Canada. The Jewish community has faced threats including an alleged terrorism plot in Ottawa which resulted in charges against a teenager. The same is true of Islamophobic incidents, which have “skyrocketed” in recent months according to the National Council of Canadian Muslims.

New data from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds broad agreement in this country that both anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim discrimination are problems domestically. Indeed, three-quarters see both as significantly problematic, while just 11 per cent of Canadians feel that each is “not really a problem”.

However, there are varying perceptions of the severity of the problem both anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim attitudes pose. Canadians older than 54 are much more likely to view anti-Semitism as a major problem (34%) than those younger than 35 (22%). The inverse is true of anti-Muslim discrimination – more Canadians aged 18- to 34-years-old view it as a significant problem requiring serious attention (26%) than those older than 54 (21%).

Women are much more likely than men to view anti-Muslim attitudes as a major problem in Canada. One-third (32%) of 18- to 34-year-old women believe it to be a significant issue, the highest proportion of any demographic.

Most (75%) Canadian Jews see anti-Semitism as a major problem. However, Canadian Muslims place less emphasis on it, with half in that group saying it either is a minor problem (17%) or not really a problem at all in Canada (32%). Asked about the reverse, 48 per cent of Muslims perceive anti-Muslim discrimination as a major problem and 26 per cent of Jews agree. Few Jews describe anti-Muslim hatred as a minor problem (15%) or not one at all (4%).


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