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Netherlands: A very dark day

Three killed in Rotterdam shooting

A gunman killed a teacher, a local woman and her 14-year-old daughter after opening fire in a classroom at a university hospital campus in Rotterdam and a nearby house, Dutch police said.

The 32-year-old suspect, a university student, fatally shot the 39-year-old woman, who lived in his neighbourhood, along with her 14-year-old daughter.

After setting the woman's house on fire, the gunman went to the Rotterdam Medical Centre university hospital.

There, where he entered a classroom and fatally shot a 43-year-old teacher.

The man was arrested near the hospital, where he also set a fire. His motive was unknown.

"We have been shocked by a horrible incident. Shots were fired in two different places in the city. Many people witnessed it," Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb said.

"The suspect was known to law enforcement and in 2021 he was prosecuted and convicted for animal abuse," said Hugo Hillenaar, Rotterdam's chief prosecutor.

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Erasmus hospital was warned about student Fouad L., suspected of killing 3 in Rotterdam

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) sent a letter to Erasmus MC, urging against giving Faoud L., the 32-year-old medical student suspected in three fatal shootings that shook the city on Thursday, a diploma to practice as a doctor.

L. allegedly gunned down and killed his 39-year-old neighbor, her 14-year-old daughter, and a 43-year-old lecturer at Erasmus MC. Another neighbor told that the killed woman had reported L. to the police for animal abuse multiple times.

In alarming posts L. complained that Erasmus MC wouldn’t graduate him even though he finished all his study credits. He claimed that the exam board kept suspending him because they thought him weird, while he believed himself smarter than everyone. L. blamed a 40-year-old doctor, “who got triggered because I didn’t make small talk with her during lunch break.”

The suspect also complained about a neighbor who shot a video of him abusing an animal.

He had animals. Rabbits and later a puppy. When I came to visit, I heard the sound of that screeching dog, which was constantly being kicked.

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