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The World’s Friendliest Nations

According To Scientific Study

Последнее место заняла Финляндия - самая счастливая страна в мире


The World's Friendliest Nations | Remitly
We conducted a global study to reveal the world’s friendliest and most welcoming nations. See the results here.
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Comments (3)

South Africa has the third-highest crime rate in the world. South Africa has a notably high rate of assaults, rape, homicides, and other violent crimes. This has been attributed to several factors, including high levels of poverty, inequality, unemployment, and social exclusion, and the normalization of violence. South Africa has one of the highest rape rates in the world. More than 1 in 4 men surveyed by the South African Medical Research Council admitted to committing rape.


Помимо Южной Африки мне так же Мексика нравится в этом списке с их уровнем убийств. Очень, очень дружелюбные )


Ну, высокий agreeableness согласно Big 5.
Значит, если главарь банды просит кого-то убить, ему пойдут навстречу 🙂

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