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Netherlands: Struggle for Democracy


Pro-Palestine protesters attack police and boo King at opening of Holocaust Museum

King Willem-Alexander was greeted with boos from demonstrators on his arrival at the official opening of the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam. Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who arrived at the National Holocaust Museum a short time later, was also booed by the demonstrators.

During the opening of the Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam, there was a confrontation between the Mobile Police Unit (ME) and demonstrators at the police cordon between Waterlooplein and Visserplein in Amsterdam. Earlier, the Mobile Unit had positioned itself on the road between the Portuguese Synagogue and Waterlooplein to prevent demonstrators from moving from Waterlooplein towards the synagogue. Several demonstrators climbed onto the police vehicles set up as a barrier. The ME beat them there with batons, according to an ANP reporter.

The demonstrators also started throwing fireworks and eggs at the police as well as police vehicles. The demonstrators stuck flyers with the head of Israeli President Isaac Herzog and the text "wanted" on these vehicles. The demonstrators are protesting against the presence of Israeli President Isaac Herzog at the opening of the National Holocaust Museum.

A group of Palestine supporters shouted slogans such as “Shame on you” and “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea” at a dozen pro-Israel demonstrators. They in turn waved Israeli flags provocatively, an ANP reporter said.



Feminist March canceled after riot police use violence on pro-Palestine protesters

The Feminist March that was supposed to start in Amsterdam on Sunday was canceled. A spokesperson said that the safety of participants could not be guaranteed. The organizer said that the riot police used violence earlier in the day at a demonstration on Waterlooplein, where there was a protest against Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s presence at the opening of the National Holocaust Museum.

“We find the atmosphere very unpredictable,” said the spokesperson. According to the organizer, the police have created an unsafe atmosphere for vulnerable groups to have their voices heard. “We are particularly concerned about the safety of the Palestinian bloc that would have been at the front of the march,” the Feminist March Foundation said on its website.


Pro-Palestine protesters attack police and boo King at opening of Holocaust…
King Willem-Alexander was greeted with boos from demonstrators on his arrival at the official opening of the National Ho…
Feminist March canceled after riot police use violence on pro-Palestine pro…
The Feminist March that was supposed to start in Amsterdam at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday was canceled. A spokesperson said that…
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