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Нидерланды: Роль секретной полиции в демократическом процессе

Dutch-Israeli MP fails background check

PVV parliamentarian Gidi Markuszower will not become the Minister of Asylum and Migration on the expected first Cabinet of Prime Minister Dick Schoof. Markuszower, who is a member of the far-right PVV party, failed the security screening conducted by Dutch civilian intelligence service AIVD. The disclosure about the Tel Aviv-born MP, who was once arrested for illegal possession of weapons, was made by PVV leader Geert Wilders on Thursday evening.


Dutch-Dutch journalists fail Kafka check

Opposition parties in the Tweed Kamer want to know whether Gidi Markuszower (PVV) can remain a parliamentarian after failing his background check to become a Minister in the new Cabinet. Markuszower himself said he wanted to stay on as an MP and his reaction suggests that he also doesn’t know exactly what has emerged about him, NOS reports.

Markuszower said it “all feels Kafkaesque,” referring to German author Franz Kafka, who depicted confusing, frightening, and nightmarish situations.


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Только вот Кафка - не немецкий автор, а немецкоязычный еврей из Чехии 😉

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