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Politicians of both parties come and go, but it’s the Democrat bureaucrats who call the shots.

Before the 2016 election, one in four federal employees claimed that they would leave if Trump won. Six out of ten federal employees supported Biden. Only 28% backed Trump.

In the 2022 cycle, the American Federation of Government Employees has doled out over a million dollars. 94% of that money has gone to Democrats.

Not only does the federal workforce tilt leftward, but the number of Republicans fell from a third to a quarter over the last generation. The federal machine that controls the lives of most Americans has limited representation for one of the country’s two major political factions.

The men and women who actually run things are mostly Democrats. 63% of the senior executives, the highest officials within the bureaucracy, are Democrats, while the number of Republicans drops into the low 20s. A National Bureau of Economic Research paper notes that the "the overrepresentation of Democrats increases as we move up the hierarchy".

“Among employees in grades 1-12 of the GS, we find about 50% of Democrats (30% of Republicans and 20% of independents), which rises to approximately 56% at the top of the GS (grades 13-15), and to 63% among career SES,” the research showed.

Apologists for the bureaucracy might claim that this reflects a lack of qualifications by Republicans, but the share of independents similarly drops. Only the share of Democrats steadily rises.


The Bureaucracy’s Democrat Majority Made America a One-Party Government | F…
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusin…
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Судя по тому как голосует стольный град Вашингтон каковой к востоку от реки Потомак - в основном афро - а к западу - кварталы богатеньких чиновников и лоббистов. А голосуют одинаково - за 90% за демократов - причем из выборов в выборы (вот здесь на сс. 7-10 описание и данные и в конце материалов - ссылки). Можно еще напомнить как переселившиеся в соседнюю Вирджинию табуны чиновников сдвинули этот штат сильно влево.

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