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Europe: Rainbow Map

Poland ranked worst country in EU for LGBT+ people

Poland has been ranked as the worst country in the European Union for LGBT+ people for the fifth consecutive year in the annual Rainbow Map published by ILGA-Europe, a Brussels-based NGO.

Poland’s score in the ranking – which takes account of the legal, political and social environment for LGBT+ people – rose slightly from 15% last year to 17.5% now. The next lowest figures among EU member states were for Romania (19%) and Bulgaria (23%).

The only countries in Europe with lower scores than Poland are all outside the EU: San Marino (14.5%), Monaco (14%), Belarus (11%), Armenia (9%), Turkey (5%), Azerbaijan (2%) and Russia (2%).

At the other end of the scale, Malta (88%), Iceland (83%), Belgium (78.5%), Spain (76.5%) and Denmark (76.5%) topped the ranking.


Malta has sat on top of the ranking for the last 9 years. With 83 points, Iceland jumped to second place with a rise of three places as a result of the new legislation banning conversion practices and ensuring the trans-specific healthcare is based on depathologisation. Belgium also banned conversion practices and now comes third place on the ranking with a score of 78.

At the other end of the Rainbow Russia lost 7 points and dropped 3 places because of the federal legislation banning legal gender recognition and trans-specific healthcare.

The efforts at division and distraction from consolidated authoritarian regimes are further leaking into other european countries at a time where elections could push Europe into the hands of leaders who wish to shape a radical right, anti-democratic European Union.


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Интересно, что авторы рейтинга повышают его при ЗАПРЕТЕ желающим перестать быть извращенцами. То есть их задача не "защита" от принуждения, а как раз принуждение других быть такими же извращенцами как они сами. Ну и следует учесть, что сама по себе идея демонстрации извращений по сути тоталитарная так как содержит претензию на то, что "старая" иудеохристианская мораль отменена, а новую будут генерировать некие продвинутые лица по необходимости, что почти и является определением тоталитаризма - системы где нети ни морали, ни, следовательно, не может быть и власти закона. А все решают некие "решалы".

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