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Marxism and Problems of Linguistics

Ebonical prescriptionists vs. White Mainstream English

Blacks are mere pawns for white progressives who have staked their identity on Black oppression and suffering. Such whites are moral sadists because to continue justifying their existence, they wish to see Black people suffer under racial oppression.

Ebonics—the Black Vernacular that is believed to capture the unique and singular way many Blacks speak—was regarded by many as a means of also protecting the dignity of Black self-expression.

Few in academia, or in mainstream society for that matter, took the Ebonics movement very seriously. Everyone knew that if any Black person wanted—at minimum—a job as a hotel receptionist, a customer service agent in a call center, or a clerk in a retail store, he or she would need to speak standard English.

The latter was the lingua franca of business and commerce, and that was not about to change. If Blacks aspired to achieve economic parity with their compatriots, then they would have to become bilingual.

Lately, the Back to Ebonics movement has morphed into a devoutly nasty and pernicious new form. It has transmogrified into a hegemonic call to replace standard English as the norm.

It regards requiring Black students to use standard English as anti-Black linguistic racism. Blacks required to speak standard English are believed to experience violence, persecution, dehumanization, and marginalization. Black students who are forced to write their papers in mainstream English are victims of Anti-Black Racism.

The idea that standard English speaking and writing requirements are emotionally harmful goes beyond shallow identity politics. It is rooted also in the de-colonialist and Anti-Western civilization agendas that seek to eradicate from school curricula and educational models any European universal foundations that underlie pedagogy, method and content.

If reason, logic and the idea of an objective reality are declared racist, then little need be said for why language, based on objective rules of grammar, should be seen as anything but the arbitrary imposition of Dead White Men whose goals are to marginalize the speech practices of non-white speakers of English.

Few ordinary speakers of Black English outside the academy, I believe, would go so far as to call what they speak another language. They regard Black English for what it truly is: broken English, a rendition of a type of American patois.

Linguists who argue that chronic grammatical infelicities, such as verb/tense and subject/object confusion with interrogative pronouns such as who versus whom, are irrelevant as a metric for differentiating between standard English and broken English are dishonest.

They are operating from the principle of some kind of political expediency or political correctness. It is a struggle for power, a struggle to continue creating a vast underclass of uneducated Blacks who will speak in a manner that will render them incomprehensible and lower their intelligence quotient in the minds of those with whom they speak.

The goal is to indoctrinate as many Blacks as possible to see oppression and linguistic terrorism and identity annihilation everywhere—just in case they are tempted to see opportunity and upward mobility through mastery of the English language.



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Linguistics and The Problem of Marxism

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