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Are we overdiagnosing?

Denmark: Psychiatric diagnoses among children up 39 percent in a decade

The number of children given a psychiatric diagnosis in Denmark has increased by 39 percent over the last decade, according to data obtained from the Ministry of the Interior and Health.

Some 73,220 under-18s had a diagnosis as of 1 January 2023, which amounts to 6.33 percent of the entire age group. Ten years ago, the share was 4.55 percent.

Two-thirds of the diagnoses are autism or ADHD, or a combination of both.

Never have so many desperate parents contacted our counselling service to get help to enter into a dialogue with psychiatry – to get help for their children.

Getting a diagnosis in the municipalities is often the entry ticket to getting help for the challenges and the dissatisfaction that you can see in the child as a result of the mental illness.

We simply need the government to start acting and concretely assign funding.


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6,33% - это ещё вполне в пределах нормы. Надо ещё учесть, что аутизм - это спектр и уровни бывают разные.

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