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200 racist plant names set to change after a vote of botanists

Botanists decided that over 200 species of plants, fungi, and algae should no longer include a racial slur related to the word “caffra,” historically used against Black people and others primarily in southern Africa.

In a significant move, researchers voted to remove offensive scientific names of organisms. The International Botanical Congress in Madrid voted to replace over 200 plant, fungi, and algae species names that contained a racial slur related to the word “caffra,” a derogatory term used against Black people and others in southern Africa.

According to reports, species like the coast coral tree will be formally known as Erythrina affra instead of Erythrina caffra from 2026. The proposal, led by Gideon Smith and Estrela Figueiredo from Nelson Mandela University, replaces offensive names with derivatives of “afr” to recognize Africa.

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Comments (4)

Истинно научная работа!


Я правильно понимаю, что caffra - это от слова "кяфир" - "неверный"?

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