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Palestinian boy, 3, hit by Israeli army gunfire dies

A three-year-old Palestinian boy has died four days after being shot in the head by Israeli soldiers.

Mohammed Tamimi was shot in the head last Thursday near his village of Nebi Saleh while riding in a car with his father.

The Israeli military claimed that soldiers had opened fire after gunmen in the area shot at a nearby Jewish settlement.

But the boy’s father Haitham Tamimi told the Associated Press that they had been driving to visit an uncle when the bullet struck.

“I hope this message will be heard: Innocence and childhood are sacred,” he told reporters, adding that Israel had targeted “unarmed people” under the “pretext of self-defence”.

“A person in his home and unarmed receives this treatment?” he added.

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) has opened an investigation into the incident.

Israel captured the West Bank and east Jerusalem, along with the Gaza Strip, in the 1967 war.

Around 700,000 Israelis now live in settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem. The international community considers these settlements illegal or obstacles to peace.


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С тем диким левым bias-ом который у нашего генералитета и ультралевой военной прокуратуры они легко могут повесить на парня - снайпера труп просто, чтобы порадовать "партнеров по переговорам" и продемонстрировать, сломав чужую жизнь, свою "принципиальность". Там и с нашей стороны (генералки и прокуроры - содомиты) и с их такие мрази, что потом, после ликвидации и этой прокуратуры и их гребаной автономии надо будет все заново разбирать. Мальчика конечно жалко, но не им. А потому надо будет выяснить и кто убил и был ли мальчик. О баллистической экспертизе в сообщении ни слова но выводы уже есть.

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