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Fewer people are willing to fight for their country compared to ten years ago

Shows a poll conducted by Gallup International Association (GIA) in 45 countries covering around half of the global population.

One in two adults around the world declare that they would fight for their country if there was a war, a third would not, and 14% are not sure.

It seems that willingness to fight has decreased after the outbreak of several conflicts in recent years. In 2014, for instance, when we witnessed the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, the attitudes to the same question around the world were 61% willing to fight and 27% on the opposite opinion.

Worldwide now there is a clear division between the global South/East and the global North/West in attitudes towards the readiness to fight for their country. While citizens of EU (32% willing to fight), USA (41%) and Canada (34%) are much less willing to fight for their country if there was a war, people in West Asia (77%), the Middle East, where tension is now also high, (73%) and India (76%) are much more ready to fight for their country if needed.

In terms of individual countries, those most willing (answers “yes”) to fight include Armenia (96%), Saudi Arabia (94%), Azerbaijan (88%), Pakistan (86%) and Georgia (83%). Those least willing (answers “no”) are Italy (78%), Austria (62%), Germany (57%), Nigeria (54%) and Spain (53%).

In Russia 32% (down from 59% ten years ago) say they are ready to go to war for their country if needed, 20% are not and the significant share of 48% replied “don’t know”. But note this question was asked in a country where opposition to the war is a crime. In Ukraine people are more willing to personally defend their country – 62% (no change from ten years ago), but 33% say they would not. And in this country peace negotiations are now forbidden by law.

Technological advantage is always crucial in a war but historically the motivation to fight should not be ignored. The elites in the West might be inclined to solve problems by fighting/supporting a war, but western citizens are twice less inclined to bear arms, compared to the citizens of the rest of the World. The narrative in the G-7 plus EU countries that the war in Ukraine is also their own war seems to bear no correlation with the citizens of these countries willingness to fight.”


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Comments (1)

Для большинства европейцев попросту не очевидно, ради чего воевать.
И ровно по этой же причине они поддерживают Палестинский Нарратив.
Т.к. кроме того, что СМИ "съели всем мозги", уже очень давно идёт промывка мозгов на полную толерантность к "сирым и убогим" и непротивление злу насилием, что все хорошие, со всеми можно договориться, и что всегда всё будет хорошо. И даже если сейчас не очень хорошо, это временное явление.
Как результат... мы постепенно "теряем яйца" во всех "экстра толерантных" локациях.
(да, в общем то и у нас - суровая левизна в армии и правительстве привела к катастрофе 7/10/23)

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