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Incredible Danish discoveries

In 2020, they were anti-vaxxers; since 2022, they’ve been pro-Russian

The Royal Danish Defence College contends that the same segment of society opposed to corona measures are also the ones opposed to President Zelensky.

According to research carried out by the Royal Danish Defence College, it is invariably the same group of people having the same extreme opinion.

In a nutshell, the anti-vaxxers and pro-Russians are one and the same.

“It’s striking: on February 24, it turned out that those who had held very strong views on the corona vaccine were suddenly very much against Zelensky,” Jeanette Serritzlev, a military analyst at the Royal Danish Defence College, told BT (Danish tabloid newspaper).

Many of those who were prominent anti-vaxxers were suddenly pro-Russian. Many of the positions that emerged were one-to-one the same positions that you saw in a media such as Russia Today.

Conspiracy theorists tend not to specialise

It is a finding also shared by the PET intelligence agency and academics who specialise in the field.

“There is an increased concern among the intelligence services about the system-critical groups,” observed Professor Michael Bang Petersen, an expert on political science at Aarhus University.

“It’s not surprising because the biggest factor that applies to a person starting to believe in a conspiracy theory is that you already believe in another conspiracy theory.”

Singing to the tune of the Kremlin

Moscow should be delighted, contends Serritzlev, as its hard work has paid off.

“During corona, it was clear that Russia was quietly helping the anti-vaxxer circles in the West. Nothing big, but they supported them. The same anti-vaxxer environments Russia can now use to spread anti-Ukraine stories now,” she said.

“Corona helped strengthen these networks of anti-authoritarian people. They were united during the pandemic. And now Russia has managed to use them to get its propaganda out.”


In 2020, they were anti-vaxxers; since 2022, they've been pro-Russian - The…
Forsvarsakademiet contends that the same segment of society opposed to corona measures are also the ones opposed to Pres…
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А кто не верит нам // Тот негодяй и хам // А кто не верит нам // Тот прихвостень и плакса.... Ну и понятно что еще могли написать за бюджетные деньги? При этом идея о том, что если такие как авторы этого исследования все вдруг перестанут врать, то доверие к их "экспертному" мнению рано или поздно восстановится, а если продолжать врать то оно продолжит падать в голову забитую мыслями о новых грантах из бюджета не приходят


К сожалению, антизападничество (даже обоснованное) действительно часто вырождается в пропутинство. Путину удалось занять эту нишу.

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