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Netherlands: Rutte supports curfew & school closure - frustration, irritation and anger among opposition

Prime Minister Mark Rutte said during a debate in the Tweede Kamer on Thursday that he still fully supports the January 2021 decision to introduce a curfew in an attempt to defuse the coronavirus crisis.

Rutte fully acknowledged that both measures were far-reaching and that the school closure in particular was "terrible." However, it was necessary, the prime minister stressed several times.

The forced curfew was introduced because "we had no other measures," Rutte said.

The schools were already closed and there was really nothing else we could do. We were standing together as a country with our backs against the wall." The coronavirus infections were continuing to increase, the intensive care units were full and the rest of the healthcare system was barely continuing to function.

He believes the country was heading for an unmanageable situation. "The effects were intense, but at the time there was no alternative," he said of the Cabinet's decision to force the population to stick to a curfew for the first time since World War II.

"I still support the introduction of the curfew," Rutte said. The measure was "necessary and proportionate," a perspective he still believes.

A large majority of the Tweede Kamer wants the a separate investigation into the usefulness and necessity of school closures, the curfew and the obligation to wear face masks. So far, the Cabinet has refused to do so.


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Rutte fully acknowledged that both measures were far-reaching and that the school closure in particular was "terrible." However, it was necessary, the prime minister stressed several times.

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