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Англия отмечает День Перемирия

Лондон: Сотни тысяч англичан вышли на антиизраильскую демонстрацию. Лондонская полиция, естественно, арестовала контрдемонстрантов.

Some 82 counter-protesters have been arrested during the pro-Palestine march in central London "to prevent a breach of the peace", the police said.

The Metropolitan Police added: "They’re part of a large group of counter-protesters we have been monitoring who have tried to reach the main protest march.

Fighting has erupted on the streets of London as hundreds of screaming Britons have been heard chanting "England 'til I die" and tensions reach a fever pitch.

Footage on social media shows the moment police were forced to use batons to hit back protesters as they breached police lines.

Protesters have been banned from the area around the Cenotaph in Whitehall as officers will form a “ring of steel” around the Remembrance monument.

Police chiefs say that anyone “believed to be part of, or associated with, the pro-Palestinian demonstration trying to assemble in this area can be arrested”.

3.48pm update: Protesters drape Palestinian flags on war memorial

Protesters have draped Palestinian flags across a war memorial in London in what has been branded an “outrageous” act.

GB News commentator posted the photo on social media, writing: “Pro-Palestine yobs drape our war memorials in foreign flags, desecrating the Machine Gun Corps Memorial at Wellington Arch. Where are the police?”

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