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Geert Wilders: Jordan is Palestine

The anti-Muslim, pro-Israel and pro-Jewish far right now runs Holland

Jordan has summoned the Dutch ambassador on Thursday to explain a “racist” post by PVV leader Geert Wilders on X earlier in the evening. Wilders wrote that Jordan is “the only real” Palestinian state, responding to the news that the Israeli parliament voted against the establishment of a Palestinian state west of Jordan.

Jordan wants the Dutch government to distance itself from Wilders’ post. The Jordanian Ministry called Wilders a “racist parliamentarian” whose “inflammatory statements” are contrary to international law. They also reflect “a culture of racial hatred.”

Wilders responded to Jordan’s condemnation on X. “You can protest all you want, but the historical truth remains that Jordan is Palestine,” he wrote.

Minister Caspar Veldkamp of Foreign Affairs will have a call with his Jordanian counterpart later on Friday. He stressed that Wilders is allowed to make his statements as a parliamentarian. The Cabinet thinks differently, the Minister said. He stressed that the Dutch government supports a two-state solution where Israel and Palestine coexist. “And that does not mean that Palestine is Jordan or vice versa.”


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