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Google subsidiary Jigsaw will launch a campaign next week to tackle misinformation in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic about Ukrainian refugees, based on research by psychologists at two British universities.

Working with Jigsaw, psychologists from the universities of Cambridge and Bristol created 90-second clips designed to "vaccinate" people against harmful content on social networks.

The campaign is designed to build resilience to anti-refugee narratives in partnership with local NGOs, fact-checkers, academics and disinformation experts.

The spread of misleading and false information in the United States and Europe through social media networks has led various governments to push for new laws to stop disinformation campaigns.


Google is starting a Campaign against Disinformation in some EU Countries -…
Google subsidiary Jigsaw will launch a campaign next week to tackle misinformation in Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Rep…
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Насколько я знаю, к украинским беженцам там как раз очень хорошо относятся. А вот "борьба против дезинформации" может иметь как раз обратный эффект.

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