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Murders in Poland were down by one-fifth last year compared to 2021

In 2022, there were 507 murders in Poland, 127 fewer than a year earlier, the daily wrote on Wednesday citing date from the National Police Headquarters (KGP).

This was the largest decline in recent years, which according to experts, can be attributed to the end of pandemic-related isolation which led to conflicts.

According to KPG data, murders committed last year in Poland were mainly violence and alcohol-related homicides, knife crimes and crimes of passion.


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On Tuesday, it was announced that over recent months, the Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU) launched an undercover investigation into corrupt border crossing officials demanding bribes from tourists entering and leaving Ukraine, especially Israelis visiting religious sites.

After the investigation was opened, border officials and police officers were caught red-handed illegally collecting money from tourists, including Chassidim on their way to Uman. The culprits were arrested and criminal proceedings have been initiated against them.

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CAUGHT RED-HANDED: Corrupt Officials Forced Chassidim To Pay Bribes On Ukra…
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, commercial flights came to a grinding halt and anyone entering or leaving the cou…
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A knife-wielding man described as a stateless Palestinian has fatally stabbed two people and injured seven others on a train in northern Germany before being grabbed by passengers and arrested by police, officials said. The motive of Wednesday's attack was not immediately known.

Three people were severely injured and four others suffered minor injuries.

The attacker was also injured and taken to the hospital, police said.

The spokesman said the investigation into a motive was focused on "all directions" including possible extremism or psychological problems on the part of the assailant.

No details were given about the identity of the victims.

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The truth is, the next election is going to be fought between two forms of social democracy. I mean, they're not much different.

- Nigel Farage


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Согласно новым правилам, домашние сверчки и личинки мучного червя будут разрешены в пищу в Европейском союзе.

Домашних сверчков можно есть в замороженном, сушеном или измельченном виде со вторника, а использование в пищу личинок мучного червя будет разрешено с четверга.

Аналогичные правила уже существуют для перелетной саранчи и желтого мучного червя.

Европейская комиссия в настоящее время рассматривает еще восемь заявок продукты из насекомых, поскольку производители должны подавать заявки на получение разрешения для каждого вида насекомых, который они хотят распространять.

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What Is Syrah?

The correct Syrah pronunciation is: /ˈsiːrə/

Boldness and spiciness are the main Syrah characteristics. This full-bodied red wine is chock full of the most delicious aromatic aromas of ripe fruit, smoke, and black pepper, to name a few.

Syrah is called Shiraz in some New World countries, but you will essentially still be getting the same red wine variety.

Apparently, the name, Syrah, is French in origin. Shiraz and Syrah are interchangeable and the name relates to the hearty red wine.

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The Deep State wants a new Democrat president

Even most Democrats finally got the message: They don’t want Biden in 2024.

Enter Biden’s mishandled classified document scandal. Perfect timing. Biden has been set up by his own deep state. Suddenly documents just happen to be found in both his think tank office and his Delaware garage. Who found them?

Why would corrupt Democrats (who are world-class experts at coverups — see the rigged 2020 election, the COVID-19 vaccine propaganda and the Jan. 6 hearings) decide to publicly report them? Why wouldn’t they ignore them, or cover up the scandal?

Why indeed. Because they want Biden out.


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The CEO of a major Belgian construction company has warned that Belgium and indeed Europe as a whole are at "real risk of deindustrialisation" due to Europe's soaring energy costs and the protectionist legislation recently passed by the US.

In an interview with l'Echo, Etex CEO Bernard Delvaux claimed that there is a "real worry" of numerous energy-intensive businesses going bankrupt in the near future if appropriate government aid is not forthcoming, and suggested that without urgent government intervention an increasing number of European companies will likely relocate to the US or Asia to take advantage of lower energy costs — a possibility he described as "very dangerous for Europe".

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Учителя избегают затрагивать «деликатные» темы в мультикультурной школе

В результате проверки проведенной Школьной инспекцией в школах страны и уровня преподавания демократических ценностей в старших классах, 21 школа из 30 подверглась критике за недостатки. Среди прочего, речь идет о том, что учащимся не имеют возможности обсуждать вопросы, считающиеся в настоящее время спорными, и о том, что некоторые учителя избегают поднимать темы, которые представляются трудными.

В дополнение к недостаткам в преподавания «деликатных» предметов проверяющие также обнаружили широко распространенное отвращение к гомосексуалистам и наличие «очень тревожных» гендерных различий между девочками и мальчиками.

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Lärare undviker 'känsliga' ämnen i den mångkulturella skolan
Samnytt - ocensurerade nyheter. Samnytt rapporterar om det som gammelmedia döljer.
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The new year has brought a shocking string of mass killings in the U.S. — six in less than three weeks, accounting for 39 deaths.

Mass killing defined as four dead not including the offender.

Three have occurred in California since Jan. 16.

Authorities identified six people - including a 16-year-old mother and her 10-month-old baby - who were killed in a shooting last week at a home in central California.

72-year-old Rosa Parraz
52-year-old Eladio Parraz Jr.

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Растет коррупция при техосмотре - автомобили, годные лишь на металлолом успешно проходят проверку

То, что полиция называет «грязными проверками», когда за определенную сумму одобряют негодные автомобили, иногда даже не видя их, становится все более популярным. Несколько подобных дел расследуются в настоящее время.

В прошлом году дело о взяточничестве было рассмотрено окружным судом Гётеборга, где технический специалист, проводивший техосмотр был признан виновным в том, что в обмен на взятки одобрял транспортные средства независимо от их состояния.

Расследование охватило в общей сложности 118 автомобилей, осмотр которых заказал посредник, и которые, как подозревает полиция, были фиктивно осмотрены, однако взятничество было доказано лишь по семи пунктам.

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Korruptionen på bilbesiktningen ökar - godkänner skrotbilar
Samnytt - ocensurerade nyheter. Samnytt rapporterar om det som gammelmedia döljer.
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East London mum dies after waiting nearly 2 hours for ambulance

A 'loving' Dagenham mum died while waiting for an ambulance, with her body left on the living room floor with her devastated daughter. Victoria Yamphet, 40, an asthmatic, had been suffering with severe belly ache and her daughter Emmanuella called 999, where she claims she was told it would only be a 10 minute wait.

But as her mum struggled to breathe, an hour went past and there was no sign of the ambulance.

When paramedics were at the door Victoria sadly had already stopped breathing, nearly two hours after first calling the ambulance.

The day Victoria died was not a day that ambulance staff were striking.

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The leaders of Mexico, Brazil and Argentina have urged US president Joe Biden to drop the charges against the WikiLeaks founder and set him free.

Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said: “Assange needs to be defended by all of us who love democracy, who love freedom of the press, freedom of trade unions, who love freedom of organisation.”

Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said: “If he (Assange) is taken to the United States and sentenced to the maximum penalty … we must begin the campaign to dismantle the Statue of Liberty.

“It is no longer a symbol of freedom.”

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Netherlands: Cat owners will soon be required to chip and register their pets

Implanting a microchip will make it easier to return cats that have been found after going missing. The number of stray cats should also be reduced in this way.

There are approximately 2.9 million domestic cats in the Netherlands, of which more than 60,000 are reported missing each year. It is not exactly known how many stray cats there are.

The plans for a national chip and registration obligation are now being worked out in more detail.


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Рюрик Ивнев


Откуда ты взялся — черный, кудлатый,
Неимоверно славный пес?
Жил ты бедно или богато,
Где ты воспитывался и рос?

На мои вопросы не отвечая,
Ты только помахиваешь хвостом,

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Amsterdam court to test 15-minute criminal trials

The court in Amsterdam will test out 15-minute trials. It scheduled these “bulk hearing days” to see whether it could handle some cases within 15 minutes while doing justice to all parties involved.

“Briefness, speed, and at the same time doing justice to the interests of the suspect, the legal profession, and the injured party are always the starting point in these hearings,” the court said.

The reason for these short hearings is “to meet the social demand not to leave criminal cases on the shelf, but to handle them within a reasonable period of time.”


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Croatian President Zoran Milanovic has arrived in Budapest. That's what he said there

“European values are not the same in all countries and not all governments are alike. The EU cannot function with Brussels bureaucracy dictating everything, we must be open to diversity.”

“We do not support a united states of Europe. The EU’s too tight embrace has driven the British out of the Union.”

Lessons must be drawn from the British departure. Croatia joined the EU to preserve its independence and openness.”


Croatian and Hungarian Presidents Urge the EU to Respect Sovereignty
Croatian President Zoran Milanovic arrived in Budapest at the invitation of his Hungarian counterpart, Katalin Novák on …
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В период с 2016 года, когда эвтаназия стал легальной в Канаде, по 2021 год половина мировых трансплантаций от пациентов после эвтаназии были выполнены врачами в Канаде. В Канаде было выполнено 185 таких трансплантаций, а в мире — 355.

Артур Шафер, директор Центра профессиональной и прикладной этики в Университете Манитобы, сказал CTV News, что он считает сильные позиции Канады на этом фронте беспроигрышными. Он назвал сдачу пациентом тела на органы «прекрасной возможностью для тех, кто стоит перед лицом смерти, сделать что-то значимое из конца своей жизни».

Впрочем, надо признать наличие ни на чем не основанных опасений, будто пациенты якобы могут быть принуждены к эвтаназии для увеличения доступности донорских органов.


Канада стала мировым лидером по пересадке органов жертв эвтаназии
Канада пересадила больше всего органов от жертв эвтаназии в 2021 году, следует из результатов круглого стола по транспла…
Деловой Монреаль - Новости Канады и Монр…WWW.WEMONTREAL.COM
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