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החל מהראשון במאי מוצרי החלב שבפיקוח יתייקרו בכ-16%.

קרטון חלב 3% יעלה 7.23 שקלים.

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STI - sexually transmitted infections

In 2022, reported cases of diseases such as gonorrhoea have seen a 45% spike compared to 2019 figures. Chlamydia has also increased by 20%.

Overall STIs saw an increase of 22.7% in 2022 compared to 2019 figures.

STIs are common, particularly chlamydia, herpes and gonorrhoea, and increases have been seen throughout the country,

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Ignoring the problem is not a solution

In recent years, the presence of unaccompanied minors residing in the country unregistered (NBMV) in the neighbourhood of the Brussels' Midi/South Station has increased. This vulnerable group consists of 11- to 18-year-old Maghrebian boys whose living conditions are worsening every day.

According to the neighbourhood's residents, their presence has disrupted public order, which was mirrored in a study, stating it has created "numerous security problems such as thefts and fights between groups".


Urgent action needed for unaccompanied minors around Brussels Midi station
"Without a commitment to a specific policy for these young people, we can't reduce their own health and safety risks and…
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Chile plans to nationalize its lithium industry

President Gabriel Boric revealed a plan to nationalize the country’s lithium industry at the presidential palace on April 20. The plan is set to increase the country’s wealth and link its economic development to a greener economy.

Along with the development of green hydrogen … This is the best chance we have to transit towards a sustainable and developed economy.

Lithium Triangle

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Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias stressed during the welcoming remarks of the Athens Retreat on Syria on Friday that the international community must aim at safeguarding Syria's sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity.

The war in Syria "has become the epicenter of a serious humanitarian crisis and of illegal military interventions by third parties, against international laws, while we have also witnessed the rise of terrorist and criminal networks," Dendias said.

The worsening of relations with Russia has highlighted the significance of Arab countries in Europe's energy and food security. As a result, our collaboration with regional players has become a significant priority for Greece, but also, we believe, for the European Union as well.

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Dendias At Informal Meeting On Syria: Greece Promotes EU-Arab Collaboration
Greek Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Dendias stressed during the welcoming remarks of the Athens Retreat on Syria on Fri…
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Осуждённый шведским судом 17-летний Фрунзе Сагателян, убивший отца троих детей Фредрика Андерссона и совершивший побег от шведского правосудия, снова пойман.

13 апреля, осужденный за убийство Фрунзе Сагателян, 17 лет, был освобождён вооруженными людьми во время визита к стоматологу в Сёдертелье 13 апреля. С тех пор он находился в бегах. Но в пятницу вечером полицейские в ходе операции по борьбе с наркотиками обыскали квартиру в соседнем городке Стренгнесе. Одним из находившихся в квартире оказался Фрунзе Сагателян.

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Для Швеции нормально
Несовершеннолетний киллер убил случайного человека и был осужден на 3 года в исправительном доме. Сегодня он совершил по…
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Two Ontario doctors accused of spreading COVID misinformation, including one who provided groundless vaccine exemptions to 168 people, attesting that the shots would expose them to “unacceptable medical risk,” have agreed to give up their licences to practise, and to never seek one again.

Christopher Hilton Hassell and Zoltan Peter Rona are among the latest succession of doctors to face disciplinary hearings over their professional conduct during COVID-19.

Hassell committed professional misconduct for his prescribing of the controversial anti-parasitic ivermectin for COVID-19, and for providing mask and vaccine exemptions without adequate medical justification.

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Researchers see no evidence of brain damage in people hospitalized with severe coronavirus infection, Maastricht University reported.

The study was prompted by the neurological problems doctors noticed in patients in intensive care during the first wave of the coronavirus.

However, people who experienced this "show no signs of brain damage from the disease after the fact," the university explained.

Nine months after discharge from the hospital, the researchers used scans and tests to examine possible brain damage and its consequences, such as memory problems. They also asked about symptoms such as fatigue.

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Рекордная смертность

Смертность в Финляндии в 2022 году значительно выросла, сообщает Статистический центр (siirryt toiseen palveluun).

В прошлом году зарегистрировали 63 219 смертей, что примерно на 5 500 больше, чем в предыдущем. Количество смертей увеличилось почти на 10%.

В предыдущий раз уровень смертности был выше в 1944 году.

Ожидаемая продолжительность жизни новорожденных также снизилась на наибольшую величину за последние 50 лет и составила 78,6 лет для мальчиков и 83,8 лет для девочек.

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Последний общенациональный опрос, проведенный Rasmussen Reports, показал, что 60% американских избирателей считают, что мошенничество повлияло на результаты прошлогодних промежуточных выборах. Причем 37% говорят, что это очень вероятно.

35% не верят в это, в том числе 20%, которые думают, что Это Абсолютно Невозможно.


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Global winner

Ukrainian journalist Evgeniy Maloletka (AP) won the World Press Photo of the Year award with his photo of aid workers carrying an unconscious pregnant woman from a maternity hospital hit by a Russian airstrike during the siege of Mariupol.

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Americans confident in Zelenskyy

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The so-called “national divorce” that was promoted earlier this year by some Republicans appears to be occurring organically, according to a new analysis of U.S. population trends.

Since 2020, some 2.6 million people have moved out of U.S. counties that were won by President Joe Biden and into those that former President Donald Trump prevailed in, the analysis found. It cited recent Census Bureau data.

“More than 61 percent of the counties that voted for Biden in 2020 lost population, while 65 percent of Trump-supporting counties gained population,” the Issues and Insights analysis said.

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1947-2023 | Iconic Israeli Artist and Journalist Yehonatan Geffen Dies at 76

Geffen, a towering figure in Israel's cultural landscape, was known for his countless books, poems and plays.

Geffen was often criticized for his strong left-wing leanings, which bordered on provocation. In 2018, Geffen published a poem on his Instagram feed that ended with the following lines:

You, Ahed Tamimi,
Like David who slapped Goliath,
You will be on the same page as Joan of Arc,

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Songs of Love and Boxing
The publicist Yehonatan Geffen , who has been a columnist in Yediot Achranot for many years, shamelessly called for murd…
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Netherlands climbs to 4th place on Europe's list of GDP per resident

The Netherlands has climbed to fourth place on the European list of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita.

To arrive at this figure, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) divided last year’s total economy size by the number of Netherlands residents. Then you end up at over 53,000 euros, about 1.5 times higher than the average in the European Union.

In 2021, the Netherlands was still in fifth place.

It is always a bit of a change with Sweden. That has to do with the exchange rate of the Swedish crown.

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Новое исследование: Все больше людей не видят в жизни смысла

Согласно данным аналитической компании Kairos Future, процент шведов, считающих жизнь бессмысленной, увеличился с 2003 года в четыре раза, и самые высокие цифры среди молодых мужчин.

Сегодня каждый четвертый швед и каждый третий мужчина в возрасте от 18 до 30 лет считают жизнь бессмысленной.

Секуляризация, одиночество и социальные сети — вот некоторые возможные объяснения этой тенденции.

Цифры взяты из базы данных опроса Шведы, настоящее, будущее, проводимого аналитической компанией Kairos Future. Он основан на ответах более 100 000 респондентов в период с 1955 по 2023 год. В анкету включены порядка 1000 вопросов о смысле жизни, будущем и тому подобном.

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Stricter EU climate laws: Households will soon pay for CO2 emissions

From 2027, households will also have to pay for their CO2 emissions from traffic and heating buildings, the European Parliament agreed in its 'Fit for 55' package of environmental measures.

Not only companies but also households will soon have to pay for their emissions, according to the measures in the so-called 'Fit for 55' package of European Commissioner Frans Timmermans.

The most innovative measure – though also politically controversial –  is the creation of a parallel market for emissions from transport and heating of buildings. This will also see increasing cost prices passed on to consumers at the pump and in household heating bills.

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Over 25% more traffic deaths last year; Many older cyclists killed

The number of people killed in traffic accidents rose by over a quarter last year. In 2022, there were 737 road deaths, 155 more than in 2021, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reported. Cyclists over 75, in particular, were more often victims.

The number of road fatalities was the highest since 2008. Among the total number of road casualties, 291 people were cycling when they had their fatal accident. According to CBS, that is the highest number since it started keeping track of this figure in 1996.

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