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20 самых опасных городов мира 2023

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Nobel Prize in Medicine Goes to Scientists Behind mRNA COVID Vaccines

Two scientists won the Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for discoveries that enabled the development of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.

The award was given to Katalin Karikó, a professor at Sagan’s University in Hungary and an adjunct professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and Drew Weissman, who performed his prizewinning research together with Karikó at the University of Pennsylvania.

Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam, part of the panel that chose the winners, said of their work that “in terms of saving lives, especially in the early phase of the pandemic, it was very important.”

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Ребенок проглотил гашиш в гетеборгском парке

После посещения парка в воскресенье ребенок почувствовал себя плохо. Ребенка отвезли в больницу, где поставили диагноз - гашиш.
- Судя по всему, ребенок нашел и сунул в рот большое количество, - говорит представитель полиции Jens Andersson.

В воскресенье ребенок со своим близким родственником посетили один из гетеборгских парков. По данным полиции, они там играли.

В какой-то момент родственник, 45-летний мужчина, обнаружил, что ребенок что-то положил себе в рот. Что это было, было непонятно – но мужчина сразу это вынул.

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Вчера в Канаде прошел третий ежегодный Национальный день истины и примирения.

День истины и примирения признает вред, нанесенный европейскими колонизаторами коренным народам.

Днем в Оттаве на Парламентском холме прошли памятные мероприятия. Мероприятия состоялись также по всей стране, включая Викторию, Торонто и Виннипег.

В этот день вход в Канадский музей прав человека в Виннипеге бесплатный. Канадский музей истории в Оттаве также предлагает свободный вход. В Монреале состоялось шествие с участием барабанщиков.

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Надо терпеть и приспосабливаться!

Бывший премьер-министр Эстонии и бывший член Европейской счетной палаты Юхан Партс резко раскритиковал зеленую перестройку. По его словам, на подходе командно-административная экономика, которая ставит под угрозу сами основы западного мира.

Партс назвал разрабатываемый в Эстонии климатический закон попыткой импорта иностранной командно-административной экономики.

"Происходящее пытаются завуалировать принципами правового государства, а приказы просто оформляются в законы. Климатические цели пытаются реализовать приказами и запретами. Плюс подцели в определенных секторах, например в сельском хозяйстве, реализовать которые можно тоже только в приказном порядке.

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Paris launches emergency plan to fight spread of bed bugs

France’s Transport Ministry and Paris's town hall on Friday launched a battle plan to fight bed bugs that have recently appeared in public transport and cinemas. The measures come as France hosts the Rugby World Cup, which has drawn tens of thousands of visitors.

Bed bugs have been spotted in the Paris metro, high-speed trains and at Paris's Charles-de-Gaulle Airport, with disgusted travellers posting videos on social media.

Bed bugs, which had largely disappeared from daily life by the 1950s, have made a resurgence in recent decades – mostly due to high population densities and more mass transit.

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Top 10

🇬🇧 University of Oxford
🇺🇸 Stanford University
🇺🇸 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
🇺🇸 Harvard University
🇬🇧 University of Cambridge
🇺🇸 Princeton University
🇺🇸 California Institute of Technology

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Poland: Proportion of Catholics falls from 88% to 71%

The proportion of people in Poland identifying as Roman Catholics has fallen to 71% in the latest national census, down from 88% a decade earlier.

The new data, released by Statistics Poland (GUS), a state agency, show that in the 2021 census, 27.1 million people (71.3%) identified themselves as followers of the Roman Catholic church. That was down from 33.7 million (87.6%) at the last census a decade earlier.

Meanwhile, the proportion saying that they belonged to no faith almost tripled, from 2.4% in 2011 to 6.9% in 2021. Likewise, those who refused to answer the question also almost tripled, from 7.1% to 20.5%.

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Забытая драма с захватом террористами заложников в австрийском Мархегге

Для Австрии полузабытый захват арабскими террористами заложников, случившийся в 1973 году, означал первое прямое столкновение с международным терроризмом. Захват заложников в Мархегге произошел 28 сентября 1973 года палестинцами, которые называли себя Орлами Палестинской Революции.

К концу 1973 года поток новых репатриантов из Советского Союза резко возрос. Советские власти не позволяли евреям выезжать прямо в Израиль. Поэтому большинство из них прибывало в Вену, ставшую перевалочным пунктом. Репатрианты попадали в транзитный лагерь, оборудованный в венском замке Шёнау. Тут их принимали на свое попечение представители Израиля. Если их иммиграционное желание действительно существовало, то их  доставляли рейсом из аэропорта Вены в Израиль. Чаще советские эмигранты решали не иммигрировать в Израиль, а остаться в Европе или лететь в США.

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Three killed in Rotterdam shooting

A gunman killed a teacher, a local woman and her 14-year-old daughter after opening fire in a classroom at a university hospital campus in Rotterdam and a nearby house, Dutch police said.

The 32-year-old suspect, a university student, fatally shot the 39-year-old woman, who lived in his neighbourhood, along with her 14-year-old daughter.

After setting the woman's house on fire, the gunman went to the Rotterdam Medical Centre university hospital.

There, where he entered a classroom and fatally shot a 43-year-old teacher.

The man was arrested near the hospital, where he also set a fire. His motive was unknown.

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The Recession in Germany will be Deeper than Expected

There were positive signs at the start of the year that Germany may have weathered the energy crisis better than expected.

Germany's recession this year will be worse than previously feared, leading economic institutes have warned, as high inflation and industrial slowdown hit Europe's leading economy hard.

The economy will shrink by 0.6 percent in 2023, the institutes said in their latest joint forecast.

The last joint economic forecast, published in April, projected growth of 0.3 percent in 2023. Since then, however, some of the participating institutes have forecast a separate contraction in the economy that year, although their forecasts were less gloomy than the last joint forecast.

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Трое убитых за девять часов – темная ночь в Швеции

Женщина и двое мужчин были убиты в результате трех различных актов насилия в Стокгольме и Уппсале в течение девяти часов.
Сейчас полиция выясняет, связаны ли взрыв и стрельба с продолжающимся конфликтом в преступной сети «Фокстрот».

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Население Канады в этом году растет быстрее всех стран G7

Благодаря иммигрантам Канада в период с июля 2022 г. по июль 2023 г. стала одной из самых быстрорастущих стран мира, говорится в новом отчете Статистического управления Канады (StatCan).

16 июня население Канады превысило 40 млн. человек и к 1 июля выросло до 40,097,761 человека, что на 1,158,705 человек, или на 2.9%, больше, чем 1 июля 2022 года.

В опубликованном во вторник демографическом отчете StatCan говорится, что по таким темпам роста Канада опережает все другие страны G7 и входит в число 20 наиболее быстро развивающихся стран мира за указанный период.

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15-year-old girl stabbed to death in south London

A young girl, 15, has died after being stabbed 'in the neck' on a school bus, the Metropolitan Police has reported. Police confirmed an arrest has been made after a teenager was tracked in connection with the stabbing.

Officers rushed to the scene after receiving reports of a girl being knifed on Wellesley Road near the Whitgift shopping centre around 8.30am.

The Metropolitan Police attended with paramedics from London Ambulance Service and London’s Air Ambulance, but she died at the scene shortly after 9.20am.

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Cast me not off at the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength fails

The total number of elderly citizens surpassed 9 million for the first time in 2022 and is expected to increase at a faster rate moving forward. Older people are expected to account for more than 20 percent of Korea's entire population in 2025 and 49.8 percent by 2050.

Korea has the highest poverty rate for elderly citizens among a number of major economies with the figure standing at 34.8 percent when net income is assessed. After deducting taxes, the report placed 43.4 percent of the cohort in poverty.

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Worry about crime is at its highest level since before the pandemic (32%)

However, inflation remains the number one concern with 38% choosing it as an issue.

Worry about crime on a global level has been steadily rising this year. At the beginning of the year one in four (26%) said crime was a major issue in their market and this month worry about crime is at one of its highest levels over the last eight years. In February 2018, 35% choose crime as a concern, the highest score since 2015.

In September 2023, looking at what is happening at a country level, South Korea has seen the biggest rise in worry, up 18pp. Over four in ten (42%) say it is one of the top issues affecting the country. This comes on the back of a series of violent attacks in the country. In February this year concern for crime was only 7%, ranking behind other issues like inflation and unemployment. Over the last eight years this is the first time that crime & violence has been the top issue for South Koreans.

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Huge piles of rubbish have spilled out onto the streets of London's East End as refuse workers and street cleaners enter a second week of strike action over a pay dispute with the council. Rotting rubbish has been building up in Whitechapel, Bethnal Green and Brick Lane after more than 200 workers who are employed by Tower Hamlets Council began strike action last Monday, September 18.

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Shocking images of civilians fleeing Nagorno-Karabakh - 3,000 years of Armenian life being extinguished

Shocking images of Armenians fleeing Nagorno-Karabakh as the murderous Azerbaijani army takes control of the mountainous enclave have emerged on social media today.

Images show the queues of cars, all heading in one direction, attempting to leave Stepanakert, the capital of ethnically and historically Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh, for the Republic of Armenia as Baku consolidates its rule over the region.

Azerbaijan has said it wants to re-integrate the ethnic Armenians as "equal citizens" but the regime of Ilham Aliyev continues with its grotesque dehumanisation of Armenians.

Armenia has repeatedly said a mass exodus from the region would be the fault of the Azerbaijani authorities.


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Canadian House Speaker Anthony Rota Apologizes for Epic Gaffe

On September 22, 2023, following an address to the Canadian parliament by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Rota introduced and recognized Yaroslav Hunka in the parliamentary galleries. He identified Hunka as a "war hero" who fought for the First Ukrainian Division; Hunka was applauded by members of all parties.

Subsequent media reports identified Hunka as having been a member of the 14th SS Division in World War II.

Two days later Rota issued an apology saying, “In my remarks following the address of the president of Ukraine, I recognized an individual in the gallery. I have subsequently become aware of more information which causes me to regret my decision to do so.” He added,

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