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Living in Denmark: What You Need to Know Before You Move

The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (Akademikerne), the umbrella organisation for 28 unions, now calls for a new national strategy in order to recruit more international talent to Denmark.

“We have to recognize Denmark currently is not among the preferred countries of international talent. We must therefore significantly increase our recruitment efforts,” Lisbeth Lintz, head of the organisation, said in a press release.

“But if we are to be able to do that, we have to ensure that we don’t have problems with social dumping and a lack of integration at the same time. Otherwise, I cannot imagine that there will be political support for increasing international recruitment.”

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Another resolution against Poland has been voted on in the European Parliament. The draft on “electoral law, the investigative commission and the rule of law in Poland” was submitted by representatives of five parliamentary factions – EPP, Socialists, Renew Europe, Left and Greens. – The draft resolution undermines the Polish legal system in its entirety according to Law and Justice MEPs.


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Confidence in the European Union (EU) has fallen in the Czech Republic

While 58 percent of Czechs had confidence in the EU last year, this spring it was down to 46 percent, according to a national survey by the academic CVVM polling institute.

During the first decade after accession, the EU’s confidence index among Czechs hovered around 55 percent, with the lowest in 2016. At that time, only 37 percent of Czechs trusted the EU.

After the Slovaks (32%), the Czech’s are the second most Eurosceptic nation in the EU, with only 33 percent of them having a positive impression of the bloc, shows the latest Eurobarometer poll. Furthermore, the only benefit of the EU that the majority of Czechs agree on is free travel, while only 27 percent of them associate the European Union with democracy.

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The Dutch Senate approved Justice Minister Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius’s proposal to make doxing a punishable offense.

She hopes to implement the law on 1 January 2024. From then, sharing someone’s contact information and personal data with the goal to harass or intimidate them will be punishable with up to 2 years in prison or a fine of up to 22,500 euros.

The maximum prison sentence will be a third higher if the doxing victim has a certain profession, such as mayors, politicians, judges, lawyers, journalists, and police officers, the government said.

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In 2022, 8.3% of the EU population were unable to afford a meal containing meat, fish or a vegetarian equivalent every second day, one percentage point (pp) higher compared with 2021 (7.3%). Moreover, considering people at risk of poverty – i.e. with incomes below 60% of the median equivalised disposable income – the share at EU level was 19.7%, 2.2 pp higher than in 2021 (17.5%).

In 2022, the difference between total and at-risk-of-poverty population in terms of capacity to afford a proper meal was also visible across EU countries: the highest share of people at risk of poverty unable to afford a proper meal was recorded in Bulgaria (44.6%), followed by Romania (43.0%) and Slovakia (40.5%). On the other hand, the lowest share was recorded in Ireland (5.0%), followed by Luxembourg (5.1%) and Cyprus (5.6%).

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64% of Europeans think corruption is unacceptable

27% think it is acceptable to give a gift or do a favour (26%) in order to get something from a public administration or a public service, while 16% think it is acceptable to give money for this reason.

Seven out of ten respondents believe that corruption is prevalent in their country. 74% think there is corruption in the national public institutions in their country, while 73% think there is corruption in the local or regional public institutions in their country. 78% agree that too close links between business and politics lead to corruption. 60% think that corruption is part of the business culture in their country, while 57% agree that in their country the only way to succeed in business is to have political connections.

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The Biden administration’s foreign policy does not show any willingness to cooperate, foreign and security policy expert Shea Bradley-Farrell told Radio Kossuth in an interview. The president of the Washington-based Counterpoint Institute, who is also a visiting scholar at the Center for Fundamental Rights in Hungary, discussed, among other things, the impact of the US ideological offensive on its relations with other states.

Commenting on the display of Pride flags on US embassy buildings, Shea Bradley-Farrell said it was an indication of US government policy, but the flags do not represent the majority of American people or those around the world. Recalling the results of a Pew study, she said that the majority of countries in the world do not accept homosexuality as part of morality.

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'Biden Administration's Stance Does Not Represent Americans' Opinion,' Says…
Foreign policy expert Shea Bradley-Farrell gave an interview to Radio Kossuth, where she talked about the US' ideologica…
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A trans activist, who served 30 years in prison for kidnapping and attempted murder, called for protesters to “punch” gender critical people “in the f***ing face" at a Trans pride march.

Sarah Jane Baker - a campaigner for trans prisoners - addressed campaigners at the event on Saturday.

Baker was released from prison three years ago following the kidnapping and attempted murder of her stepmother’s brother, and for attempting to kill another prisoner while incarcerated.

At the march on Saturday, she told the crowd: “I was going to come here and be really fluffy, be really nice and be really lovely and queer and gay and laugh.

But if you see a Terf, punch them in the f***ing face.

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Selena Lau and Nuria Sajjad - both aged eight - were killed in the horror crash

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London: Wimbledon school crash live updates as girl, 8, dies after Land Rov…
Seven girls under eight and two adults seriously injured after Land Rover crashes into Wimbledon primary school A major …
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Per-Ola Olsson: Климатическая политика ЕС безумна

Политика, которая лишает людей возможности удовлетворять свои основные потребности, должна быть остановлена. Надо надеяться, что правительство Швеции наконец осознало это.

Правительство поручило экономисту Йону Хасслеру быстро провести оценку климатической политики Швеции в связи с климатическим пакетом ЕС Fit for 55. Идея пакета состоит в том, чтобы сократить выбросы парниковых газов ЕС на 55 процентов к 2030 году, а к 2050 году сделать Европу первым в мире климатически нейтральным континентом.

Реакция на решение правительства вселяет надежду. Несколько зеленых мыслителей и политиков назвали назначение настоящей катастрофой.

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EU:s klimatplaner har gått över styr
En politik som går ut på att neka folk möjligheten att tillgodose sina grundläggande mänskliga behov måste stoppas. Förh…
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The scolding of former Polish president, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, for having the audacity to say he hopes to be a grandfather was a sad sight, writes Jacek Karnowski

It has been a long time since I have seen such a sad scene after former left-wing Polish President Aleksander Kwaśniewski was scolded by an interviewer for saying he hoped he would have grandchildren despite his daughter insisting she does not want to become a mother.

In an interview on Polish commercial television TVN, Kwaśniewski was asked by the interviewer, Piotr Jacoń, how he felt about his daughter’s public declaration that she does not want to have children.

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The older generation of the Polish left should also fight for their dreams …
It has been a long time since I have seen such a sad scene after former left-wing Polish President Aleksander Kwaśniewsk…
Remix NewsRMX.NEWS
Piotr Jacoń dał na wizji reprymendę Kwaśniewskiemu. Nie gryzł się w język. …
Aleksander Kwaśniewski, przyjmując zaproszenie od Piotra Jaconia do jego programu "Bez polityki", nie podejrzewał zapewn…
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На днях (29 июня) прошла официальная презентация книги доц. д-ра Спаса Ташева - „Борьба македонских болгар за права и независимость – 68 случаев периода 1944 – 1994 гг.“. Крупнейшее пространство в храме болгарской письменной культуры - справочно-каталожный зал, оказалось тесным для собравшейся  пестрой публики в лице политиков, дипломатов, академических исследователей, македонских болгар и журналистов.

Установлению интимного духа встречи единомышленников поспособствовало и исполнение в самом начале события гимн борцов за освобождение Македонии „Взойди заря свободы”. Дети автора - близнецы Кирилл и Ивета Спасовы согрели души и сердца всех присутствующих своим вдохновенным исполнением.

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Fall of the Cabinet: Differences can no longer be resolved

The ruling Dutch coalition has collapsed after failing to reach a deal over how to handle the number of asylum seekers entering the Netherlands, After days or talks between the key members of Mark Rutte’s Cabinet, they were unable to reach a compromise.

The swearing in of the fourth Cabinet of Prime Minister Mark Rutte on January 10, 2022 marked the end of the longest and messiest Cabinet formation ever, with a deep crisis of confidence from the beginning. Although the four parties from Rutte III unexpectedly continued to work with each other and promised a new administrative culture, the second time around for the VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie was shaky from the start. Few people in political circles in The Hague expected the Cabinet to last, and after 543 days, the Cabinet has fallen because of the failed negotiations about policy towards asylum seekers.

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Macedonian Politician: Bulgaria is the Weakest EU Member and Europe can put Pressure on it

Bulgaria is the weakest member state of the EU and we (North Macedonia) have problems not with the strongest, but the weakest state in the EU. Bulgaria needs the EU much more than the EU needs Bulgaria. No one can convince me that the biggest EU capitals cannot put pressure on Bulgaria. If they thought Macedonia deserved negotiations, they would solve the problem in one day, in one afternoon. They will send a tough diplomat, he will meet in Sofia with whom he has to meet, he doesn't even need to spend the night there, and the work will be done,

- wrote the deputy chairman of VMRO-DPMNE Aleksandar Nikoloski in his comment in the latest edition of the magazine "Focus".


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A leading figure in the Church of England told the General Synod that ‘Our Father’ has patriarchal connotations

The Lord’s prayer is “problematic” due to the “oppressively patriarchal” reference to “Our Father”, the Archbishop of York has suggested.

The opening words of the Lord’s prayer, which have been recited by Christians for around 2,000 years, were deemed divisive during a meeting of the Church of England’s ruling body.

The Archbishop of York said: “I know the word ‘father’ is problematic for those whose experience of earthly fathers has been destructive and abusive, and for all of us who have laboured rather too much from an oppressively patriarchal grip on life.”

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Majority of Norwegians support euthanasia

A new survey indicates that seven of 10 Norwegians are now positive towards euthanasia, or what they call aktiv dødshjelp (literally, active help to die). They’d still have to travel abroad to receive it, though, because euthanasia remains illegal in Norway.

Anna Kirah, leader of the organization Retten til en verdig død (The right to a dignified death), is now seeking new public debate on the issue, also after personal experience. Her own 87-year-old mother, who lives in the state of Washington in the US, opted against treatment when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer and received help to die.

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Gunman arrested for Philadelphia mass shooting that left 5 dead is BLM activist who wore women’s clothes

Kimbrady Carriker, 40, was nabbed shortly after the bloodshed in the city’s Kingsessing neighborhood Monday night, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

Cops haven’t yet publicly disclosed the suspect’s identity.

On his Facebook page, Carriker posted two pictures of himself wearing a bra, a women’s top and earrings with his hair braided long in March, three months before the alleged shooting.

He also regularly posts about supporting Black Lives Matter.

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Seven girls under eight and two adults seriously injured after Land Rover crashes into Wimbledon primary school

A major incident has been declared after a car crashed into a girls' primary school this morning (Thursday, July 6). Seven children, thought to be under eight, and two adults have been injured, with police describing the incident has 'serious'.

Girls between four and eight years old go to school in the specific building hit, with the private girls' school teaching girls up to 11 years old.

The fire brigade is also at the scene, with two fire rescue units. An air ambulance also landed.

Metropolitan Police confirmed it was not treating the incident as terror-related.

The driver, who stopped at the scene and is believed to be a woman in her 40s, has been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving.

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(updated )

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that in your 30s it’s all hen dos, weddings and babies and in your 40s it’s all rehab, divorce and failed IVF.

Which is why, last week, when Naomi Campbell, 53, announced the birth of her second child, saying: “it’s never too late to become a mother”, I was delighted.

Yet I’m afraid for us mere mortals it isn’t quite that simple and I go to great lengths to explain to my younger friends that the diametric opposite is true.

The fact is that for most women their 30s are largely a race against time as it suddenly hits them that for 99.9 per cent of women the cut-off point for having a healthy baby naturally is around 40, and your fertility drops dramatically at 35.

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Sorry, Naomi, the truth is for a lot of women it can be too late for kids
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that in your 30s it’s all hen dos, weddings and babies and in your 40s it’s all re…
Evening StandardWWW.STANDARD.CO.UK
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Дети мертвы после израильского рейда на лагерь беженцев Эскалация насилия в Дженине — крупнейшая военная операция Израиля с 2002 года.

Насилие на Западном берегу обостряется. Израиль начал крупнейшую с 2002 года военную операцию в городе Дженин.
По меньшей мере десять человек погибли, трое из них дети. ВОЗ заявляет, что медработникам мешают оказывать помощь раненым в лагере беженцев.

Ночью в понедельник палестинский город Дженин был сотрясен стрельбой и взрывами после того, как в этом районе начался крупномасштабный рейд против большого лагеря беженцев. По оценкам, в город вошли около 2000 израильских солдат.

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