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ANALYSIS | Russia’s war with Ukraine: Five reasons why many African countries choose to be ‘neutral’

n early March 16 African countries including South Africa abstained from voting on a resolution in the UN General Assembly calling on Russia to end its military operations in Ukraine.

There are five key reasons: these include scepticism towards the North Atlantic Treat Alliance (NATO), and its motives; growing reliance among some countries on Moscow for military support past decade; growing dependence on wheat and fertiliser imports; and a sense that this is a return of the Cold War.

African countries have based their decisions on strategic calculations on how the conflict will affect them rather than on the humanitarian catastrophe arising from the conflict.


ANALYSIS | Russia’s war with Ukraine: Five reasons why many African countri…
In early March 16 African countries including South Africa abstained from voting on a resolution in the UN General Assem…
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Dutch politicians want to nominate Ukraine, Zelenskyy for Nobel Peace Prize

Worldwide, more than a hundred politicians and former administrators including Prime Ministers, Ministers, and European Commissioners have submitted a joint request to the Nobel Committee in Norway to nominate the Ukrainian people and their leader, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, for the Nobel Peace Prize.


Dutch politicians want to nominate Ukraine, Zelenskyy for Nobel Peace Prize
Worldwide, more than a hundred politicians and former administrators including Prime Ministers, Ministers, and European …
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Serbia: Second term for Vucic The results of Serbia's presidential and parliamentary elections show that Aleksandar Vucic and his Serbian Progressive Party (SPP) have won convincing victories.

In a joint forecast, election observer CeSID and the sociological organization Ipsos predict that Vucic will win a second five-year term as president, receiving almost 60% of the vote.

At the same time, the Progressive Party will maintain its dominant role in the National Assembly, securing more than 40% of the vote.

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Serbia: Second term for Vucic, SPP wins about 40% - Novinite.com - Sofia Ne…
The results of Serbia's presidential and parliamentary elections show that Aleksandar Vucic and his Serbian Progressive …
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The state of democracy in the Netherlands

Protesters at an anti-Covid restriction demonstration on Sunday reacted with shock to the re-arrest of Viruswaarheid leader Willem Engel. The protesters gathered against the Temporary Covid-19 Measures Act (Twm) and the possible introduction of a European digital ID.

Engel, a Covid denier who was arrested on charges of sedition in mid-March, was taken back into custody on Sunday after violating the terms of his release. Some demonstrators criticized the re-arrest on the basis of free speech.

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Nijmegen Covid protesters express shock at Engel's re-arrest
Protesters at an anti-Covid restriction demonstration in Nijmegen on Sunday reacted with shock to the re-arrest of Virus…
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Belgians as a proportion of the population regionally and nationally from 2000 - 2021

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Судья Верховного суда Ann-Christine Lindeblad была поймана с поличным, когда украла еду из магазина Coop в Стокгольме.

67-летняя Ann-Christine Lindeblad считается одним из самых опытных судей Швеции. Ранее она была председателем окружного суда в г. Borås, председателем Комитета по поддержке прессы и несколько раз была привлекалась правительством в качестве специального консультанта и эксперта. В 2002 году она была назначена тогдашним социал-демократическим правительством членом Верховного суда.

Прокурор Per Nichols вынес решение о штрафе против Lindeblad, который касается двух разных краж в одном и том же магазине - 13 и 17 декабря соответственно. Среди улик — запись наблюдения в магазине, на которой видно, как Lindeblad кладет товары в сумку.

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Эмерит-профессор гражданского права Torsten Sandström

Оглядываясь на свою жизнь, я вспоминаю наивные представления моей юности о том, что опуская избирательный бюллетень я участвую в демократической честной игре. Мне хотелось верить, что шведская политика подобна благородной дуэли на шпагах: победит тот, кто благодаря лучшим аргументам набрал больше голосов.

Я также верил красивым словам политологов о том, что нация и правовое государство должны основываться на разделении властей. Иными словами, система, в которой разные части государства контролируют друг друга, политическую власть и бюрократию. А еще меня прельстили мудрые слова государственных деятелей о том, что регулярная смена власти принципиально хороша - символ живой демократии.

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Hajburar hindrar politisk förnyelse – Anti-PK-bloggen
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Декабрьское ©Tzvi Fishman

Свора лжецов

Телефонный звонок в три часа ночи пробудил Дана от сна. «Это президент Соединенных Штатов», - сказал ему знакомый голос. «Он ждет на линии, чтобы поговорить с Вами».

Дан быстро сел в постели. «Давай его», - приказал он, стряхивая сон.

«Привет, Дэн, - сказал президент. «Надеюсь, я не разбудил тебя».

«Сейчас три часа ночи».

«Я думал, вы никогда не спите».

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SICKENING: Paterson Names Portion of Road “Palestine Way” Hours After Terror Attacks

Just hours after an Arab terrorist carried out the third terror attack in Israel in barely a week, the municipal council of Paterson, NJ, voted to rename a portion of Main Street in Paterson to Palestine Way.

At the meeting, all of the councilmembers donned kefiyyas and proudly displayed the Palestinian flag as they threw their full-throated support to Palestinians in Israel – four of whom just killed 11 innocent people.

Paterson is sometimes referred to as “Little Palestine,” as it has the largest community of Palestinians in the U.S. and the largest proportion of Muslim residents in the country.


SICKENING: Paterson Names Portion of Road "Palestine Way" Hours After Terro…
Just hours after an Arab terrorist carried out the third terror attack in Israel in barely a week, the municipal council…
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(updated )

Inflation figures continues to climb in Belgium. A press release from official Belgian statistics service Statbel has outlined that inflation is set to rise from 8,04% to 8,31% in March. This is the highest level of inflation witnessed in Belgium since 1983, when inflation peaked at 8,92%.

Belgian supermarkets have already witnessed sharp price increases in recent months. Food prices are scheduled to rise 5-10% this year, food corporation Gondola warns.


The Brussels Times
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Ф Кривин. 10 афоризмов

  1. Извечная мечта революции: построить такую тюрьму, в которой бы жилось лучше, чем на свободе.

  2. Когда народ превращают в стадо, во главе его становятся не пастухи, а мясники.

  3. Отец истории - Геродот, а сын истории - анекдот. И это утешительно: ведь дети - единственная наша радость.

  4. Только на эшафоте вспомнил Робеспьер, что вводил террор как временную меру.

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Robert Mathiasson: Станет ли доллар самой большой жертвой войны?

Генеральный директор BlackRock Ларри Финк написал на днях, что «российское вторжение на Украину положило конец продолжавшемуся последние 30 лет процессу глобализации». Финк прав, считает обозреватель Nyheter Idag Роберт Матиассон.

Теоретик войны Карл фон Клаузевиц указывал, что война — это продолжение политики другими средствами. На прошлой неделе Леон Панетта, глава ЦРУ и министр обороны при Обаме, прямо признал то, чего администрация Байдена признать не осмеливается: происходящее на Украине, является прокси войной между Россией и Соединенными Штатами.

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Netherlands: Local politics increasingly fragmented

Local politics is increasingly fragmented. The municipal councils that will be installed this week consist of 142 more parties than after the elections in 2018,.

Brendrecht, Zeewolde, and Hellendoorn are the only municipalities where one party obtained the majority. There are very few municipalities with large parties that got more than nine seats on the council. The factions are also getting smaller. There are now 593 one-person factions in the city councils. Den Bosch even has seven one-person factions in its 39 seats.


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Опять нас убивают каждый день.

Two Israelis were killed and at least 10 injured after two terrorists opened fire in Chadera. The murdered victims have not been named but are reported to be one male and one female.

The terrorists, both males from Umm el-Fahm, were neutralized by undercover Israeli security forces who had been eating at a restaurant near the scene of the attack.

Видео ➡ https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/general/2072737/terror-in-chadera-two-killed-multiple-victims-critical-in-shooting-attack.html

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Netherlands: MPs push for VAT on fruit and vegetables to be scrapped

Several parties in the Tweede Kamer, including a number of coalition parties, are pushing for VAT on fruit and vegetables to be abolished as soon as possible.

VVD MP Rudmer Heerema wants the VAT on fruit and vegetables to be set to zero percent as soon as possible. "It's a shame to wait so long for that."

Together with State Secretary of Finance Marnix van Rij, State Secretary for Public Health Van Ooijen is stuck on exactly what falls under fruit and vegetables. Should a can of beans or a carton of sieved tomatoes also be exempt from VAT? Heerema does not see the problem. Everyone knows what fresh fruit and vegetables are. To start with, abolish the VAT on that.


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The German mother of a teenager killed in fighting in Syria is to be jailed for seven and a half years, according to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office.

The 44-year-old from Bad Oldesloe was guilty of two counts of membership in a terrorist organisation abroad.

At the age of 15, she met her husband, converted to Islam and married.

The father of the family – a native of Palestine – is said to have joined IS in Syria as a fighter as early as 2015.

According to a witness, after the IS attacks in Paris in 2015, she had said that the victims deserved to die. She had told her son that it was important to humiliate and hate the infidels.

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Ukrainian troops reported on Saturday that Russian forces are deploying white phosphorus against them near the eastern city of Avdiivka, The Guardian reported.

While these reports cannot be confirmed, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told NATO leaders earlier this week that Russia had used phosphorus bombs that had killed adults and children.

Israeli occupation government has refused to provide the United Nations assurance to discontinue its illegal usage of internationally banned white phosphorus bombs, which it used heavily in its latest war on the Gaza Strip, causing hundreds of Palestinian deaths.

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Andrzej Duda: Despite difficult times, polish-american relations are flourishing. thank you, mr Biden, for your strong leadership

The Polish President said that the current situation was very difficult.

“The Russian aggression, the great tragedy of the Ukrainian people that we are witnessing with them, is also a great threat to my compatriots. We know what Russian imperialism is, we know what the attack of the Russian army is that our grandparents and parents survived,” Duda said.

“Thank you for your presence and your strong leadership, for the strong voice of the United States in calling for an end to the aggression against Ukraine. We stand with the US, want to make policy with the US and hope for strong US leadership and the strengthening of Euro-Atlantic relations”, the Polish President added.

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Orbán: Hungary Stands on Hungary’s Side in Russia-Ukraine War

Orbán told public media that Hungary was helping everyone in trouble but wanted to enforce and protect its own national interests.

Commenting on the current situation, he said certain countries take the position that in some way they are also participants in the Russia-Ukraine war. Hungarians’ position is that the Russia-Ukraine war is under way in our neighbourhood and we must not be indifferent to the human suffering and the millions in trouble. At the same time, there are certain Hungarian interests and these can come under threat by a war next to us, he said.

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