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GB news: Just 5.6% of offences in England and Wales in 2021/22 – about one in 18 – resulted in a charge and/or summons, down from 7.1%, or one in 14, in 2020/21, according to Home Office figures published in July.


Police have 'lost sight of the basics' according to standards chief
College of Policing have warned that 'at the moment, police are simply not effective enough'
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Netherlands: The number of girls up to age 15 who had an abortion rose to over 100 for the first time in years in 2021, according to the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate. The Inspectorate spoke of a “remarkable increase” but did not explain the spike.

Last year, 101 teens under 15 had a pregnancy terminated, compared to 58 in 2020 and 70 in 2019. In the years before, the number of abortions in young teenagers also did not exceed 100 cases - 49 in 2018, 68 in 2017, 65 in 2016, and 83 in 2015.

The total number of abortions decreased in 2021 compared to 2020

The number of abortions among teenagers up to the age of 19 also showed a “steady decline” since 2002.

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Over 100 girls under age 15 had an abortion last year
The number of girls up to age 15 who had an abortion rose to over 100 for the first time in years in 2021, according to …
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Преступление произошло в пятницу в 20:15 на парковке у маленького торгового центра.

Преступники открыли огонь из автомобиля, выпустили восемь пуль в мужчину и пять в женщину и скрылись с места преступления.

Мужчина, 34 лет, и женщина (42), были доставлены в больницу, где скончались от многочисленных ранений.

На прошлой неделе в центре Монреаля тоже была открыта стрельба из машины, в результате чего был ранено три человека. Один из них позже скончался от полученных ранений, двое других госпитализированы.

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Мужчина и женщина погибли в Лонгёй в результате стрельбы у торгового центра
Мужчина и женщина погибли в Лонгёй в результате стрельбы у торгового центра
Наша Газета – новости Монреаля и Канады,…NASHMONTREAL.COM
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A number of Ukrainian refugees are gaming the system and exploiting the German welfare state to obtain benefits before traveling back to their homeland, according to CDU Chairman Friedrich Merz.

The opposition leader spoke of “a larger number” who are now “taking advantage of this system.”

“We are now experiencing social tourism from these refugees ‐ to Germany, back to Ukraine, to Germany, back to Ukraine,” he told Bild.

Leaders of the parties in Germany’s federal coalition accused Merz of a lack of solidarity with Ukraine, and refused to recognize the “social tourism” he referred to, instead describing their actions as “people fleeing this terrible war of aggression.”


Germany the victim of 'social tourism' by Ukrainian refugees, opposition le…
A number of Ukrainian refugees are gaming the system and exploiting the German welfare state to obtain benefits before t…
Remix NewsRMX.NEWS
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Sir Keir Starmer at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool

“We will never allow Putin’s threats and imperialism to succeed. We will stand alongside Ukraine and its people fighting on the front line of freedom. So, let this entire conference say together: Slava Ukraini!”


Keir Starmer says 'don't forget and don't forgive' as he accuses Tories of …
Sir Keir Starmer set out his pitch for government at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool
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“We need to support him”: Protesters rally behind jailed teacher

“We’re here in support of Enoch Burke, who is in prison because he stuck by his principles.”

That was what Gript was told by a small group of protestors on Saturday, who had gathered outside Mount Joy prison to support the incarcerated teacher.

Burke has been in Mount Joy since September 9th, after being found in contempt of court for violating a court order.

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“We need to support him”: Protesters rally behind jailed teacher - Gript
“He’s still in there.”
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According to an announcement by the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (GETHA), a Turkish unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) entered the Athens Flight Information Region without filing a flight plan, violated the national airspace of Greece.

The Turkish drone was identified and intercepted according to international rules.

Elsewhere, Turkish defense firm Baykar has delivered 20 of its armed drones to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) this month and could sell more, two sources said Wednesday.

International demand for Bayraktar's soared after their impact in conflicts in Syria, Ukraine, Libya and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).


Turkish Drone Intercepted After Violating Greek Airspace
According to an announcement by the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (GETHA), a Turkish unmanned aerial vehicle (…
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Hungary: The governing parties will ask the national security committee of the parliament to review the “issue of foreign funding of left-wing parties.” Reportedly, the US foundation in question, Action for Democracy, is now financially involved in the Italian elections too.

Last month, Péter Márki-Zay, former prime ministerial candidate of the joint opposition coalition in the parliamentary elections, made some remarks about his campaign funding and US connections, raising eyebrows in the Hungarian media and public discourse. He claimed that as recently as July of this year, two months after the elections, his campaign received several million HUF “from America.”

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Foreign Funding of Opposition Campaign To Be Investigated
The governing parties will ask the national security committee of the parliament to review the “issue of foreign funding…
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Tehran, IRNA – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) on Thursday introduced the Rezvan (meaning heaven in Persian) Missile as the one capable of entering the atmosphere with a speed that is eight times higher than the speed of sound.

General Salami said Rezvan is a precision-guided and state-of-the-art missile with a medium ballistic range.

Earlier in the day, the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) unveiled for the first time a sample of its missiles dubbed “Sevvom-e Khordad” with air defense system and 200-km range.

The country is pioneer in the drone area.


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Швеция: установлен удручающий рекорд — 48 застреленных

В 2022 году в Швеции застрелено 48 человек. Таким образом, побит предыдущий рекорд, хотя сейчас только сентябрь.

Наибольшее число ранее было в 2020 году, когда в общей сложности было убито 47 человек. В следующем году число убитых составило 45 человек.

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Первой страной, которая узаконила отпуск по уходу за ребенком, стала Германия в 1883 году. За ней это сделали Швеция в 1891 году и Франция — в 1928 году. В 1919 году Международная организация труда разработала и приняла рекомендации для защиты материнства и детства, которые строились на трех фундаментальных принципах: отпуск по уходу за ребенком, денежные выплаты и сохранение рабочего места.

Из 196 стран мира США и Папуа-Новая Гвинея — единственные страны, в которых нет утвержденной на федеральном уровне политики предоставления новоиспеченным матерям оплачиваемого отпуска.

Финляндия: Согласно закону, каждому родителю разрешено 164 дня, или около семи месяцев. Родитель-одиночка может взять отпуск, рассчитанный на двух родителей, — это порядка 328 дней.

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Ингвар Эрикссон болен деменцией в тяжелой форме. У него эпилепсия, афазия, отсутствует память, он не может общаться. Несмотря на эти трудности, он зарегистрирован проголосовавшим, сообщает Шведское Телевидение.

- Он бы очень разозлился, да. Он был честным человеком. Он почувствовал бы себя ограбленным, — говорит в интервью жена Ингвара Маргарета.

Маргарета случайно узнала, что персонал проголосовал за Ингвара. Она хранила домв его карточку избирателя, так как не считала его способным голосовать.

В день досрочного голосования дом престарелых, где живет Ингвар, запретил посещения, а через несколько дней, когда Маргарета пришла навестить мужа, пациенты с легким слабоумием рассказали ей, что "мы проголосовали".

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Svårt demenssjuk fick 'hjälp' av personal att rösta: 'En stöld av hans röst…
Ingvar Eriksson är sjuk i demenssjukdomen Lewy body. Han har epilepsi, afasi, obefintligt minne och kan inte kommunicera…
Nyheter Idag | By Johannes NilssonNYHETERIDAG.SE
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Это произошло в четыре часа дня в среду на прошлой неделе, когда в центральном Стокгольме была изнасилована девочка.

- Речь идет о девочке в возрасте до пятнадцати лет, проживающей в стокгольмском муниципалитете, сообщила прокурор Фрида Ведин.

По сообщениям СМИ, которые Ведин отказывается комментировать, жертве изнасилования всего двенадцать лет.

В четверг был выдан ордер на арест 41-летнего отца троих детей, проживающего в одном из пригородов Стокгольма, по подозрению в изнасиловании ребенка. Задержание было произведено позднее вечером того же дня.

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Kioskägare häktad för våldtäkt mot 12-årig flicka på Södermalm
Samnytt - ocensurerade nyheter. Samnytt rapporterar om det som gammelmedia döljer.
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Netherlands residents’ confidence in Dutch politics has never been as low as it is now

A massive 77 percent of Netherlands residents think the country is going in the wrong direction. Two thirds say they want new elections.

A year ago, 61 percent of Netherlands residents had little to no confidence in Dutch politics. That increased to 67 percent this year. Lack of trust in the Cabinet increased from 63 percent last year to 71 percent now. And 67 percent of Netherlands residents have no confidence in Rutte as Prime Minister, compared to 56 percent last year.

When asked why they don’t have confidence in politicians, 64 percent cited the energy crisis, 59 percent the housing market, 58 percent immigration and asylum, 56 percent inflation, and 55 percent healthcare.


Little confidence in Dutch politics as trust in Rutte IV Cabinet plummets
Netherlands residents’ confidence in Dutch politics has never been as low as it is now, Ipsos found in a study commissio…
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17 September 1939. The Red Army acted militarily against Poland, breaking the non-aggression pact signed in 1932. The Day of the Siberian Deportee takes place every year on the anniversary of the invasion of Poland by Soviet Russia in 1939

Further consequences of the USSR's aggression against Poland were the mass repression of the Polish population remaining in the eastern territories of the Republic, and the plundering of Polish national property and private assets.


Soviet Russia invaded Poland 83 years ago
Today marks the 83rd anniversary of the Soviet Union's aggression against Poland and the Day of the Siberian Deportee.
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HURRAH!!!! Our American friends have informed little Cyprus that they have decided to lift the arms embargo they had imposed on the small island nation.

But that's water under the bridge now, the embargo will be lifted some time next year and Cyprus will be able to purchase the means to defend itself against an ever aggressive neighbour who threatens to take what's left of the island.


OPINION: The US Has Lifted The Arms Embargo On Cyprus, But...
Cyprus was invaded by NATO member Turkey in 1974 and more than a third of the island is occupied to this day by Turkey t…
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Hamas announced on Thursday that they would resume ties with Syria, praising Syria’s support for Palestine and its cause.

An official in the Palestine Scholars Association (PSA) said that Hamas’ decision to resume ties with Syria is beneficial and unites the Axis of Resistance and worries Israel.

Hamas' decision worries Israel because the Zionist regime does not want to see any two Muslim states or groups united against it.


Hamas’ decision to resume ties with Syria worries Israel: PSA
Tehran, IRNA – An official in the Palestine Scholars Association (PSA) said that Hamas’ decision to resume ties with Syr…
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