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Germany's population will increase by 1.12 million people in 2022

The large number of refugees from Ukraine contributed to the increase in Germany's population by 1.3% last year, bringing the number of citizens in the EU's most populous country to 84.4 million people.

The biggest increases were registered in the two largest cities in the country - Berlin and Hamburg, where there was an increase of 2.1%.

At the end of last year, 12.3 million people with foreign citizenship lived in Germany, according to data from the statistical office.

Of these, 1.34 million are Turkish citizens, who have been the largest minority in the country for decades.

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Врач делал фиктивные прививки от ковида — теперь разыскивается в Германии

Немецкому врачу было предъявлено обвинение в проведении фальшивых прививок от коронавируса 176 пациентам в 2021 году. Во вторник дело должно было рассматриваться в суде, но врач так и не появился. Теперь его разыскивают по всей Германии.

73-летний врач работал в Вемдинге в немецкой Баварии, где, согласно подозрению, в 2021 году он сделал сотни прививок своим пациентам.

После того, как несколько сертификатов о прививках, которые он выдал вызвали подозрения, разразился массовый скандал.

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Нет арестов после убийства

Пока нет арестованных или подозреваемых после того, как во вторник вечером в Мальмё произошло убийство с применением огнестрельного оружия, сообщает полиция на своем веб-сайте.

Сигнал о стрельбе в гараже поступил во вторник в 22:50. Когда прибыли полицейские патрули, они обнаружили машину, в которой находился мужчина с огнестрельными ранениями. Кроме раненного в машине также был ребенок.

Через некоторое время полиция объявила, что мужчина, которому было около 30 лет, мертв.

Ночью место преступления было оцеплено для проведения технической проверки, допрошены несколько свидетелей.

Начато предварительное следствие по делу об убийстве.


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Denmark: Psychiatric diagnoses among children up 39 percent in a decade

The number of children given a psychiatric diagnosis in Denmark has increased by 39 percent over the last decade, according to data obtained from the Ministry of the Interior and Health.

Some 73,220 under-18s had a diagnosis as of 1 January 2023, which amounts to 6.33 percent of the entire age group. Ten years ago, the share was 4.55 percent.

Two-thirds of the diagnoses are autism or ADHD, or a combination of both.

Never have so many desperate parents contacted our counselling service to get help to enter into a dialogue with psychiatry – to get help for their children.

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Student who questioned classmate ‘identifying as a cat’ called ‘despicable’ by teacher

The 13-year-old girl and her friend were rebuked by their teacher at Rye College, in East Sussex.

The argument spiralled following a class on “life education” in which they were told they can “be who you want to be and how you identify is up to you”.

One student allegedly asked a fellow classmate: “How can you identify as a cat when you’re a girl?”, which sparked the heated chaos.

Their teacher told them they were being reported to a senior leader and were no longer welcome at the school, part of the Aquinas Trust, a Church of England network of 11 schools, if they continued to express the view that only boys and girls exist.

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Пример Швеции пугает скандинавов: «Полный распад»

Шведская иммиграционная политика, последствия которой уже невозможно эффективно скрывать, превратила Швецию в опасность для соседних стран, где нас называют Диким Западом.

Безудержное бандитское насилие выделяют Швецию среди скандинавских стран и Европы. В Норвегии, Дании и Финляндии на соседнюю страну смотрят с ужасом. Криминалисты соответствующих стран, с которыми общалась SvD, описывают ситуацию в Швеции как сценарий фильма ужасов.

В Норвегии, где в прошлом году было четыре случая стрельбы со смертельным исходом по сравнению с 63 в Швеции, это называют «шведским состоянием».

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Sverige skräckexempel i Norden: "Totalt förfall"
Samnytt - ocensurerade nyheter. Samnytt rapporterar om det som gammelmedia döljer.
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A Polish Family Found Dead in a London

Two children and their parents found dead at a flat in west London have been named by the Metropolitan Police.

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Netherlands: Cabinet has no plans to intervene

Food prices in Europe have risen steadily due to the energy crisis and inflation. This is also felt by the Dutch at the supermarket checkout. Neighboring countries, such as France and Belgium, are therefore trying to force manufacturers to lower food prices. The Dutch government, however, sees no reason to take action against the overpriced groceries.

Buying food and beverages is becoming more and more expensive. In May alone, food was almost 13 percent more expensive than in 2022. While no action has yet been taken in the Netherlands to stop these price increases, the French government has reached agreements with the 75 largest food producers to limit price increases. If the French manufacturers do not comply with the agreements, their names will be published, using the so-called naming-and-shaming method.

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Good news from South America

Chile will start implementing “Feminist Foreign Policy,” which means establishing the principle of equality and non-discrimination as a guide when setting the country’s foreign policy.

The south Andean country became the first South American country to implement Feminist Foreign Policy, joining countries like France, Germany, Canada, Spain, Luxembourg, and Mexico.

Chile today, more than ever, aspires to the development of policies and actions that promote the autonomy and empowerment of women in different spaces to build a more just, inclusive, and sustainable society.

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Compulsory education of children at the age of eleven about abortion and the prevention of early pregnancy

Catholic bishops in Northern Ireland have hit out at plans to introduce mandatory lessons about access to abortion in secondary schools, describing the Westminster proposals as a form of “ideological colonisation”.

In a sharp statement, senior Church leaders rejected the Westminster regulations, slamming the proposals as “overreach” while emphasising the rights of parents.

They described the legislation as “radical,” adding that such legislation is not imposed on schools in Britain, “where the right of parents to be involved in decisions about such ethical and pastoral issues is fully respected”.

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Netherlands: Rutte supports curfew & school closure - frustration, irritation and anger among opposition

Prime Minister Mark Rutte said during a debate in the Tweede Kamer on Thursday that he still fully supports the January 2021 decision to introduce a curfew in an attempt to defuse the coronavirus crisis.

Rutte fully acknowledged that both measures were far-reaching and that the school closure in particular was "terrible." However, it was necessary, the prime minister stressed several times.

The forced curfew was introduced because "we had no other measures," Rutte said.

The schools were already closed and there was really nothing else we could do. We were standing together as a country with our backs against the wall." The coronavirus infections were continuing to increase, the intensive care units were full and the rest of the healthcare system was barely continuing to function.

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Eurostat: People at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2022

In 2022, 95.3 million people in the EU (22% of the population) were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, i.e. lived in households experiencing at least one of the three poverty and social exclusion risks: risk of poverty, severe material and social deprivation, and/or living in a household with very low work intensity.

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В пятницу, 16 июня, население Канады достигнет 40 млн. человек

Статистическое управление Канады сообщает, что в пятницу население страны достигнет рекордной отметки в 40 миллионов человек.

Постоянная и временная миграция в значительной степени определяют эту тенденцию - на иммигрантов приходится 96 % прироста в 2022 году.

Это убедительный признак того, что Канада остается динамичной и гостеприимной страной, полной потенциала. В преддверии Дня Канады это, безусловно, повод для праздника.

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В пятницу, 16 июня, население Канады достигнет рекордной отметки в 40 млн. …
В пятницу, 16 июня, население Канады достигнет рекордной отметки в 40 млн. человек
Наша Газета | Montreal LIVE. Новости Мон…NASHMONTREAL.COM
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Welsh council deputy leader quits after saying 'all Tories should be shot'

Ieuan Williams, the deputy leader of a Welsh council, said he was "angry and emotional" about poverty when he made the "crass remark".

Conservative MP for the Isle of Anglesey Virginia Crosbie, who wears a stab vest when meeting her constituents because of concerns for her safety, said that it was an "appalling comment".

Crosbie said she began wearing a stab vest during constituency surgeries in the wake of the murder of Sir David Amess in October 2021 and she has also hired security guards when attending the events.

In December 2021 she also received a letter with a drawing of a noose and the words "traitors hang".

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International conference on war reparations from Germany scheduled for June

Poland and Greece must apply pressure on Germany from all sides: in the European Commission, in the European Parliament, and even the OSCE.

Greek ex-President Pavlopoulos pointed out that both Poland and Greece demand reparations from Germany for losses sustained during World War II. In the case of Greece, in addition to individual victims’ claims, there is the additional matter of a loan the country’s central bank was forced to give to Germany during the occupation.

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Netherlands residents among world top when it comes to trust in the news

In 2023, 57 percent of Netherlands residents had confidence in most of the news, and 65 percent trusted the news they use themselves. According to the annual Digital News Report (DNR), the Netherlands is one of the leaders of the 46 countries surveyed on trust in the news. The figures were published on Wednesday.

The DNR by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism shows the state of trust, interest in, and use of news. For the Netherlands’ results, Reuters collaborated with the media watchdog Commissariat for the Media (CvdM).

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Overview and key findings of the 2023 Digital News Report
This year’s report comes against the backdrop of a global cost-of-living crisis, a continuing war in the heart of Europe…
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journ…REUTERSINSTITUTE.POLITICS.OX.AC.UK
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В Кунгельве сожгли 19 автомобилей

В ночь на среду в Кунгельве сгорели девятнадцать автомобилей. Инцидент классифицируется как причинение серьезного ущерба посредством поджога.

Сразу после полуночи поступила тревога о возгорании нескольких автомобилей в Кунгельве.

- Мы только что прибыли и начнем тушение, - сказал в 00:14 Fredrik Östlund, оператор аварийно-спасательной службы в Большом Гётеборге.

На место также была вызвана полиция. Инцидент классифицируется как причинение серьезного ущерба посредством поджога.

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Woman jailed for illegal late-term abortion

A woman who illegally procured her own abortion when she was between 32 and 34 weeks pregnant has been jailed in what a judge called a “tragic” case.

Carla Foster, 44, was sent abortion-causing drugs by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) after she called them during lockdown in 2020 and lied about how far along in her pregnancy she was, Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard on Monday.

Foster, who had three sons before becoming pregnant again in 2019, did not see a doctor about her pregnancy because she was “embarrassed” and did not know how far along she was, the court was told.

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Сегодня: Десятилетняя девочка получила серьезные ножевые ранения в Энгельхольме, сообщает Шведское Телевидение.
По подозрению в покушении на убийство задержана женщина. В настоящее время ничто не указывает на то, что женщина и девочка были знакомы.

Сегодня же: Ему предъявлено обвинение в нападении с ножом на девятилетнюю девочку в Гётеборге

36-летнему Миладу Салари предъявлено обвинение в покушении на убийство девятилетней девочки в Гётеборге в марте этого года. Сегодня прокурор подал иск в окружной суд Гётеборга. Милад нанес ножевые ранения девочке и ее бабушке на глазах у большого количества свидетелей.

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Han åtalas för knivattacken mot nioåriga flickan i Göteborg
Samnytt - ocensurerade nyheter. Samnytt rapporterar om det som gammelmedia döljer.
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