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On Monday, a group of young men fired a gel blaster at gay bar Prik on Spuistraat in Amsterdam. One bar guest, a man from Israel, was hit in the eye. It is not yet known if his vision will fully recover. The victim decided not to press charges.

Prik describes itself as “Amsterdam’s favorite gay hang-out.”

“We noticed that people often shouted at our guests. We were quite shocked about that. But many of our regulars said they got used to it.”

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Amsterdam mayor criticizes "cultural problem" after gel blaster fired at ga…
On Monday, a group of young men fired a gel blaster at gay bar Prik on Spuistraat in Amsterdam, injuring one customer. T…
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מדוע החליט צה"ל לבלום את קידומו של אל"מ אבינועם אמונה?
סיפורי הגבורה יוצאי הדופן, האישיות הסוחפת וההקפדה הנוקבת של אל"מ אמונה על כל פרט מקצועי התפרסמו בצה"ל וסימנו אותו כמפקד …
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Mr al-Maliki's Complaints

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said that when it comes to Israel-Palestine, the Hungarian foreign policy, or the Hungarian way of shaping EU policy, there is a “problem.” In his view, Hungary has openly shown a total pro-Israeli stance that disregards the rights of Palestinians. What the PA mostly objects to though is that Hungary has, according to Mr. Maliki, prevented consensus within the EU about Israel-Palestine for the last couple of years, because they have objected to resolutions or statements that could point at Israel negatively for its policies against the Palestinians.

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Palestine Report II. - Interview with Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki
We present the content of our discussions with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki conducted at the Foreign Min…
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(updated )

Явка избирателей приближается к 108 процентам, а Социал-Демократы более чем удваивают количество голосов

Явка избирателей в этом году побила все мыслимые рекорды в избирательном округе Tullingeskog в муниципалитете Botkyrka. Целых 108 процентов имеющих право голоса приняли участие в выборах

В Tullingeskog в муниципалитете Botkyrka к югу от Стокгольма на парламентских выборах количество проголосовавших превысило число имеющих право голоса. Об этом свидетельствуют предварительные данные Шведской избирательной комиссии.

- Мы понятия не имеем, как такое может быть. Это непостежимо. У меня нет для вас хорошего ответа. Результат должен будет проверен при окончательном подсчете голосов, говорит Lars-Göran Liljedahl (СД), председатель местной избирательной комиссии в интервью газете Svenska dagbladet.

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108 procents valdeltagande när S mer än fördubblar antalet röster
Samnytt - ocensurerade nyheter. Samnytt rapporterar om det som gammelmedia döljer.
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“We’ll simply bring that shit to the Netherlands, and we’ll become millionaires,” Sywert van Lienden said in a recorded conversation on 12 April 2020.

At the time, Van Lienden was a municipal official in Amsterdam. In the weeks before that conversation, just after the coronavirus pandemic hit the Netherlands, he set up the Hulptroepen Alliantie. He devised a plan to supply and distribute face masks in the Netherlands.

Van Lienden promised to do this “free of charge” and repeatedly stressed that it is a non-profit initiative.

The Public Prosecution Service suspects Van Lienden of embezzlement, fraud, and money laundering. The authorities have seized their bank accounts and assets in the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Luxembourg.


Recordings show "non-profit” face mask dealers were after millions, not phi…
Sywert van Lienden and his associates were out for a “commercial adventure” since early in the controversial face mask d…
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Член риксдага Björn Söder (Шведские Демократы) требует, чтобы Public service была «коренным образом реформирована» после дебатов на Шведском Телевидении, и считает, что участнику дебатов Willy Silberstein'у было разрешено «беспрепятственно лгать» о Шведских Демократах.

Willy Silberstein, председатель Шведского комитета по борьбе с антисемитизмом, и PM Nilsson, политический редактор газеты Dagens Industri, прокомментировали во вторник успех ШД на парламентских выборах в студийном интервью новостной программе Шведского Телевидения "Aktuellt". Willy Silberstein выразил обеспокоенность ростом партии, заявив, среди прочего, что Шведские Демократы были основаны нацистами и что нынешнее руководство партии присоединилось к ней, когда партия еще была нацистской.

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Currently, the child stipends are "barely enough to buy diapers and formula," according to several who have spoken to Israel National News - Arutz Sheva. For the first child, parents receive 156 NIS per month, while for the second, third, and fourth children in a family the parents receive 197 NIS per child per month. From the fifth child and on, the parents receive an additional 156 NIS per child per month.

156 NIS is equivalent to $45.75; 197 NIS is $57.78.


В Швеции пособие на ребенка (barnbidrag) составляет 1250 крон ($117). На второго ребенка дается 1400 ($131). Третий - 1730 ($162), четвертый - 2060 ($193), пятый и последующие - 2500 ($235). Пособие выплачивается до 18 лет, а практически до 20.

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Economist: 'Having too many children endangers Israeli society'
'The patriotic thing to do in our days is to have two children, and no more,' economist Prof. Manuel Trajtenberg says.
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Violence is never the right path to follow

On Sept. 6, students filled Santiago Centro to protest in support of better education standards and facilities, access to food supplies, and the liberation of people arrested during the Estallido Social (the social outburst that began in October 2019).

However, other groups, including those unhappy that the proposed new constitution had been rejected in Sunday’s referendum, soon joined the student protest and tension grew.  Shortly after that, things turned violent when some students, followed by outside individuals, started throwing objects at the police.

The situation then degenerated into a familiar chaos when protesters set fire to a metro bus, set up several flaming barricades, and attacked the outside of the Ministry of Education building.


Student protests turn violent in the wake of Rechazo victory
On Tuesday, student protesters converged on Santiago Centro primarily asking for improvements in education. Other groups…
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Ter Apel is a village in the north of the Netherlands where a refugee accommodation center is located

A new emergency regulation has been in force in Ter Apel since noon on Saturday. It is now forbidden for asylum seekers who are not yet registered at the application center to move around the center. The emergency ordinance applies until Oct. 1.

Hundreds of people regularly slept on the grounds in front of the application center in recent weeks. This resulted in unsafe and unhygienic situations.

The Netherlands Council for Refugees says the organization is "scared" by the new emergency ordinance. "The measure raises many questions," said a spokesperson.

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Ter Apel becomes prohibited area for unregistered asylum seekers
A new emergency regulation has been in force in Ter Apel since noon on Saturday, the security region reports. It is now …
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A poll conducted by WPA Intelligence has found that almost twenty-two percent of Democratic voters believe that “some men can become pregnant.”

The poll also found that more women agreed with the statement, and an incredible 36 percent of white, college-educated female Democrats agreed.

UC Berkley Law Professor Khiara Bridges refused to use the word ‘woman’ and accused Missouri GOP Senator Josh Hawley of being “transphobic” and “inciting violence” for saying men can’t have babies.

Last month all 50 Democrats in the Senate voted against an amendment that sought to define pregnancy as a uniquely biologically female process.


Poll: Almost A Quarter Of Democrats Believe Men Can Get Pregnant
No, they can't
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TommyRobinson1 on GETTR

Our Queen - Elizabeth the second, has passed away today.

For all of those who have criticised the royal family (and some criticisms are absolutely legitimate) her reign was apolitical.

Unfortunately we are now left with wankers like her son Charles who is an out of touch woke, WEF, eco fascist, Saudi Arabia, Islamist bum loving idiot.

What was once a respected and loved institution died today.

RIP Elizabeth 🙏🏻

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The Istanbul pogrom, also known as the Istanbul riots or the September events, were a series of government-sponsored anti-Greek mob attacks directed primarily at Istanbul's Greek minority on 6–7 September 1955.


September 6-7, 1955: Turkey’s Kristallnacht


September 6-7, 1955: Turkey’s Kristallnacht
The pogrom on September 6-7, 1955 in Istanbul targeted Greeks, Armenians and Jews. The victims were exposed to savage, d…
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The yen has slumped to a level that leaves it on track for its worst year on record. The currency fell over 1% to ¥144.38 per dollar Wednesday in a third day of declines. The dollar-yen exchange rate crossed the mark of 144 yen for the first time since 1998.

The currency has slumped 20% this year, and edged past its previous worst annual drawdown in 1979.


Yen plunge worsens despite strongest government warnings yet
The renewed selloff in U.S. Treasurys this month has widened the yield gap between the U.S. and Japan, pushing the yen t…
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Inflation in the Netherlands rose to 12 percent in August, from 10.3 percent a month earlier. A new record for the Netherlands, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reported, using its own calculation method.

Last week, CBS published inflation figures based on the European harmonized method. That showed that prices in the Netherlands rose by 13.6 percent on average.

Energy was 151 percent more expensive in August than in the same month a year earlier. In July, it was 108 percent more expensive. Clothing and food also rose in price. CBS highlighted pasta products as becoming considerably more expensive.

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Dutch inflation climbs to record 12%
Inflation in the Netherlands rose to 12 percent in August, from 10.3 percent a month earlier. A new record for the Nethe…
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